Posts Tagged "heights"

Impromptu Technical Support

In the makeshift sever room, which was more or less a back storage area. There were three PCs stacked on top of one another, all connected to a single monitor. There were also three separate keyboards hooked into the machines, and a single mouse. Who doesn’t love a puzzle?


Why You Feel the Urge to Jump

“The French explain it as L’Appel du Vide, or call of the void. Are they just French, or can the void really beckon you to kill yourself? New science on balance, fear, and cognition shows that the voice of the abyss is both real and powerful.”


The Sky is Falling

I walked near another guy who was also looking up, and asked him if he knew what was going on (he didn’t). I explained that I saw all these folks staring up, but that I tried looking… and had no idea what they were all staring at.


The Solitary Life of Cranes

“Coming down… it’s like coming out of a cloud. You sort of come down it, and it just disappears and then you’re back on normal ground again. You think, ‘Jesus, what a different way of life down here than what it is up there.'”


Window Washer Prep

It reminded me of the work skydivers will do, packing up their parachutes. All that equipment, and so much faith that it will take care of you high up in the air.


The View from the Top of the Shard: A 360 Interactive Tour of London

Using images taken from the building’s public open-air observation deck, this interactive piece lets you explore both the sights and sounds of London (quite literally). It’s impressive how much you can actually zoom in on a small section and the details you can spot, particularly when you remember that all the images were taken from high atop the structure. Definitely explore around and get lost a while, here.


Scaffold Workers, Downtown Chicago

Yesterday morning, as I was sitting down at my desk in the morning… I noticed two guys, slowly lowering themselves on a scaffold across the way. The office where I work is on the 7th floor, and I pretty much got a straight-on view of these two guys.