Posts Tagged "internet"

Debating Leaving Social Media

“A simple way to get started training this ability is to frequently expose yourself to boredom. If you instead always whip out your phone and bathe yourself in novel stimuli at the slightest hint of boredom, your brain will build a Pavlovian connection between boredom and stimuli, which means that when it comes time to think deeply about something (a boring task, at least in the sense that it lacks moment-to-moment novelty), your brain won’t tolerate it.”


Soundslice – Interactive Audio Player and Notation Viewer for Guitar Tabs

I just learned about Soundslice the other day, and it’s just freaking amazing. It’s a hybrid audio player and notation viewer, letting you see and hear guitar tabs… making the whole process of learning a song that much easier. In addition to the great functionality, they’re also accepting annotations of YouTube videos. The whole site is really slick, and looks to be a wonderful departure from the ugly world of text-based tabs.


The Innovation of Loneliness

In the early years of this blog, I would find myself taking photos at parties in a frantic attempt to document the event. Over time, I realized I was taking myself out of the very thing I was wanting to remember. I want to think I’ve gotten better about such things, but it’s difficult to avoid the pull of social media – wanting to tell everyone Hey, look at what a great time I’m having!.


Bugs Bunny, Song Memory, and a Rainy Night in Rio

For some reason beyond my understanding, the song that Bugs Bunny first sings in the episode Long-Haired Hare got stuck in my head, a few days ago. And after kind of humming it quietly to myself, I came upon a sudden realization: I could look it up on the Internet!

I’ve never known the name of the song, and I’m not sure why it took me all this time to actually look the thing up. It’s been a bit of a mystery to me, and it’s silly to realize that I could have easily looked this up 5+ years ago.


On Renting Cars and the Pros/Cons of Technology

On arriving in Orlando, Liz and I decided to get a car for the day. We saw a ton of rental companies at the airport, but several turned us away saying they didn’t have cars, and they were only giving them to people with reservations. A few places had signs saying “Cars Available.” We ended up getting quoted something like…


Clay Shirky Video: Why SOPA is a Bad Idea

Shirky does a remarkable job articulating the history and the problem of copyright violation, and why measures like SOPA/PIPA are incredibly problematic. He is clear, concise, and is able to summarize a complex topic and make it digestible. More than that, he’s able to describe the inherent problems way better than anyone else I’ve read or heard.


The Nicest Place on the Internet: Hugs From People You’ve Never Met

Having one of those days full of sad rainclouds, where nothing’s quite going right? Well swing on over to the nicest place on the internet, and we’ll see if we can’t make you feel a little better.

Made entirely from user submissions, the site features a rolling display of people hugging their webcams – and is surprisingly moving. Users can also create their own videos on YouTube and submit them to the site for possible inclusion.