Christmas in Merrillville

For a late Christmas get-together, Liz and I headed over to Merrillville, for a lovely evening/dinner at Katie and Tim’s house.
For a late Christmas get-together, Liz and I headed over to Merrillville, for a lovely evening/dinner at Katie and Tim’s house.
We brought a few things to share. And also got to sample some Armagnac that Katie and Tim picked up, while they were in southern France earlier this year.
We had drinks to begin the night, and also a few appetizers. And I was pretty impressed with the appetizers, as nearly everything I tried ended up in a bit of a conversation.
While I’ve gotten to see the fireworks from land before, tonight was the first time I got to be on the boat.
Shortly after breakfast, the kids decided to break out Monopoly (rainy day today). They asked if I wanted to join, and I have to tell you… I debated, but decided to decline. Boy did I dodge a bullet there.
I really like this shot. It has the look of a Renaissance painting to me.
While we’ve visited some in the past, we’ve never actually been out on the water. We didn’t end up bringing swimsuits, so we just got the chance to drive around for a bit.
to Merrilville… to hang out with Julie and Bob, and Katie and Tim’s family. We had a big dinner planned, with folks arriving in the afternoon for drinks and gift exchanges.
Liz and I got to watch a really great event: Tricia’s graduation ceremony, where she officially became an Air Battle Manager, for the 337th Air Control Squadron.
We learned the Ford kids were moving on a little earlier than expected. Our plans were to try to squeeze in another visit over the weekend, but instead… we realized we needed to hop over tonight, after work, to see them once more before they left.
Got in the top course of the wall, which is technically all “bond beam” blocks. Bob used a custom blade on the circular saw to cut down three inches along the middle and sides of each block.
We got food on the way up, but showed up in time to join everyone else for breakfast. Liz noted that we were living like hobbits, with our second breakfast lifestyle.
Liz and I met up with at Katie and Tim’s lake house, where Julie and Bob were spending the weekend. We had a big afternoon of local breweries to visit, as part of Bob’s birthday celebration.
Julie and Liz, exploring some of the (many) other bottles available.
Tim’s father, Ray, was the officiant who did the marriage all those years ago. He was also the one who officiated last year (when they officially tied the knot). And he was the officiant today, when Tim and Katie were married in front of all their family and friends.
Ray is in the unique position to have married Katie and Tim not once, not twice, but thrice. Which seems like a very special and lucky thing, if you ask me.