December 27, 2009
An annual tradition of the Beesons is for their family to get together during Christmas… and to bowl. I attended the 2007 gathering, and this year it was held at a place called Frankfort Bowl. Interestingly, the bowling alley was located up on the second floor of a building in downtown Frankfort. Cameron, surveying the five lanes. Everyone setting up…
November 27, 2008
The dinner table, early in the afternoon. The Thanksgiving meal – complete with turkey, gravy, dressing, green beans, potato pie, cranberry sauce, escarole salad and pumpkin soup. Delicious stuff, and a pumpkin pie with coffee followed later in the evening. After dinner, we spent most of our time in the living room, relaxing and… digesting our meal. Earlier in the…
July 21, 2008
Liz’s sister Tricia has been expecting her baby the past week or so, and today was her due date. Liz got the call in the late morning that Tricia and gone in to the hospital (around 11AM)… and within an hour or two, the baby had already arrived! After work, Liz picked me up and we headed over to visit…
January 19, 2007
After work today, Liz and I hopped in my car and headed out to Indiana (to Katie and Dan’s house), where a bunch of her family were gathering to celebrate Darryl’s birthday. After battling the regular outbound Friday traffic, we arrived after about an hour of traffic or so. On walking in, the first thing I see is Dan’s *monstrous*…
September 3, 2006
Today was an early day, as I was drafted into work last night to help with the Festival. Everyone who works as a volunteer for the festival gets a yellow shirt – and I got mine this morning. My alarm went off at 6:30 AM, and I was the first to hit the shower. By the time I walked into…