Posts Tagged "julie"

First Family Dinner

Julie was kind enough to bring over some home made food for us, which we re-heated in our microwave for dinner. She’d been working on prepping food for us the past day or so, and it was absolutely delicious.


Birthday Dim Sum at Phoenix

My family came into town on Saturday, and we hung out downtown with them on Saturday night. On Sunday, we all met up in Chinatown for Dim Sum, along with Liz’s parents. We met up at Phoenix, and this was Julie and Bob’s first experience with Dim Sum (my mom spent a lot of the meal introducing various dishes to them, and making sure their plates were never empty).


Measuring Between Rooms

Originally, we were going to resize the bedrooms and make them a bit smaller (but equal). With some additional discussion today, we decided to make the master bedroom a little larger… and to make the adjacent bedroom (the guest bedroom) a little smaller.


A Mysterious (and Unidentifiable) Leak

The bit of bad news: we were unable to track down the source of the leak. Though we saw it initially, the additional exploration ended up revealing very little. To top things off, the water in the tub stopped working completely (when it had been working fine, previously). Not a good sign, especially since we couldn’t identify where the leak originated from in the first place.


Pouring Concrete for the Furnace Platform

On Sunday, Bob and Julie both came by the house and offered more of their time and assistance. While Julie and Liz worked on stripping the paint from the windows and doors… Bob and I focused on the concrete. I say Bob and I, but again… this was another task where I helped where I could, and mostly stood on the sidelines.


Julie’s Birthday Visit to Shedd Aquarium

Overall, the exhibit was surprisingly small. But at nearly ever display, there were tons of folks crowded around (cameras and cellphones in hand), absolutely mesmerized. Calling these guys hypnotic is an understatement, and I found myself often transfixed in place – unwilling to move.