May 13, 2022
As I was going back over files, I happened across my blog archives. And discovered this gem of a video, where several of us at Emmis Interactive were watching a Connie’s delivery guy bring in a big order from his car.
March 26, 2012
Our most recent Friday challenge last week involved a bouncy ball, and a little Domo-kun, dressed inexplicably as some kind of luchador.
January 19, 2012
On Tuesday, there was a ceremony in the afternoon for a big occasion: Ben had hit his 10 year mark at Emmis Interactive, and was to receive his 10-year watch. We had several folks from Emmis Corporate in town yesterday (in particular our CEO Jeff Smulyan, who would be the one to give Ben the watch).
March 20, 2010
Before the guests arrived for Ben and Allison’s wedding, folks gathered at Jane’s in Bucktown for some photos. Stu (who also photographed my wedding) flew in to do all the photography. All the kids, being asked to make some silly faces for the camera. A view of the flowers along the bar, before the evening gets underway. Ben and Allison…
January 15, 2010
After two years working with us, we’re saying goodbye to Matt Miner. Matt’s case is a special one: though he’s been with us a long while, he was originally brought on as a temporary hire (via another company, Sogeti). He was, for all intents and purposes, brought on at the start as a hired gun. But he soon proved himself…
February 5, 2007
So it’s official. Papers were reviewed by lawyers, plans were drawn up, papers were signed. We’re moving. Again. Time sure zooms by. It seems like we just moved out of our old space and just moved into our current digs. And now, come April (if we’re lucky), we’ll be moving yet again over to a new location at State and…
August 24, 2006
August 3, 2006
In the spirit of Annual Experimental Peanut Butter Jelly Feastravaganza, I present to you our newest group-meal: Supercalifragilisticexpiali-DELICIOUS! Inspired by our recent outing to Cereality, Ben decided he wanted to organize our own take on the cereal smorgasboard. He proceeded to outline the rules (everyone brings one box of cereal, along with one topping) and managed the list of invites,…
June 14, 2006
Ok. Some backstory here. Trail’s End popcorn is the brand of popcorn that the Scouts sell, in order to raise money for local troops. But they just don’t go into selling popcorn cold – no siree bob. They have a training video. And in that training video? Actors. Or, should I say, students who excel academically and can recite lines….
April 5, 2006
For the past two weeks, Kashif has been overseas travelling in Turkey and the surrounding area. He returned today, and brought with him a bunch of souveniers for everyone in the office. The image (above) is called a “Latu,” I think. It’s like a top, but with a bit of string attached to it. Check out Kashif’s demo below: And,…
March 3, 2006
A box arrived today at work, addressed to me. There was a company name as the sender, but nothing I recognized… Inside, there were several dozen bouncy balls, various pirate eye patches, and a nice pirate hat! Sweet! As soon as I saw what was inside, I figured it had to be Gretchen. Who else could have sent something this…
November 10, 2005
So this morning, I hear rumors of multiple Santa Clauses (Santii, if you will), roaming around the place. I don’t pay much mind to it, and head up to work. Once upstairs, I find that several coworkers have wandered off to go check out the “holiday display” that’s revolving around said Kris Kringles. After a while, Chris, Jane, Bryan and…
October 21, 2005
October 19, 2005
Brought in my big bag of coins today, for yet another fun-filled coin-guessing game. For those unfamiliar with this game, here’s some backstory: 1) The first ever coin-guessing game. 2) Matt’s Bag-O-Money Challenge 3) Justin’s Quarterless Bag of Money 4) Mike’s Water Cooler Jug 5) Matt’s Bog-O-Money Challenge 2 6) A Smiley-Face Full of Coins The story behind my coins?…
September 23, 2005