Posts Tagged "kaya"

Travel Day, Chicago to Indy

Fast forward to Indy, several hours later. It’s late at night, we’ve unloaded the car, and are hanging out in the kitchen with Stacey and Shane. As a late nightcap, Shane offers me up a little moonshine.


Travel Day to Chicago

Headed back to Chicago today. As I was packing up the car, I looked up to see Kaya in the doorway. There was this somewhat somber expression on Kaya’s face, kind of a “You’re leaving? Already?” kind of thing.


Christmas in Indy, Day 2: Cold and Snow, Painting and Cookies

We were thinking about using an upcoming weekend day to just relax and make cookies. But looking at our remaining time and our progress in the hallway, we realized we had more work and less free time than we anticipated.

So tonight, we made cookies. Or rather – everyone else made cookies, and I watched them. Liz brought a few recipes and was working on Oatmeal cookies and Sugar cookies.


Early Xmas in Indianapolis: Day 1

My sister didn’t remember it at first, but she recognized this photo. She kept saying “Who is that?” but couldn’t quite place where she recognized him from.

As I played the video, she started to remember bits and pieces. And it was hilarious, watching her remember all the various characters from this film.