Posts Tagged "language"


“kalsarikannit: (noun) Getting drunk at home, in a hotel room or other comparable location in your underwear, with no intention of heading out to a bar later on.”



“Hedda Sharapan, one of the staff members at Fred Rogers’s production company, Family Communications, Inc., recalls Rogers once halted taping of a show when a cast member told the puppet Henrietta Pussycat not to cry; he interrupted shooting to make it clear that his show would never suggest to children that they not cry.”


Remembering Edra Staffieri

While this blog isn’t a terribly popular one, it serves as a place for me to record things. And I wanted to share my memories of Ms. Staffieri, and to have those memories last a little longer than social media allows. Because she was pretty darn awesome.


William Weaver, Renowned Translator, 1923 – 2013

“In 1981 Weaver finished a draft version of [Umberto] Eco’s 500-page novel The Name of the Rose, then prepared a long list of queries. In the course of wine-fueled restaurant lunches, he and Eco spread pages of draft manuscripts over the table and worked on translations until dusk. Eventually Weaver was able to render the polyglot braggadocio of Eco’s prose into impeccable and nuanced English.”