Posts Tagged "lauren"

Christiana Lakehouse 2023, Day 1: Travel and a lot of Rain

The skies were getting darker and darker as we got towards the Indiana/Michigan border. And right as we got near, just about 6 minutes away… the rain really started coming down. I’m talking windshield wipers on full, every car slowing down to 15 miles an hour, and everyone throwing on their blinkers.


Dinner with the Denlers

This is a photo I didn’t take, of our dinner in the suburbs with Uncle David, Aunt Beth, and cousin Lauren. For our Scotland trip, David and Beth were kind enough to loan us a special suitcase that’s designed to transport bottles safely. They used it for their previous trip to Scotland, and it was a great aid in getting…


Katie and Tim’s Wedding

Tim’s father, Ray, was the officiant who did the marriage all those years ago. He was also the one who officiated last year (when they officially tied the knot). And he was the officiant today, when Tim and Katie were married in front of all their family and friends.

Ray is in the unique position to have married Katie and Tim not once, not twice, but thrice. Which seems like a very special and lucky thing, if you ask me.


Christiana Lakehouse, Day 2

A big event that many of us were looking forward to this weekend: Tricia, visiting with the kids. It’s been ages since Liz and I have seen Paige, Audrey, and Sebastian… and it was a mini-reunion of sorts when they all arrived.


Costa Rica to Chicago

For posterity: Liz captured the moment where Lauren finally passed the slow moving truck – and in the river, no less! I’ve passed a lot of cars while driving in my time, but I’ve yet to pass another vehicle while in the water.