August 29, 2020
Similar to what we did in the dining room, this weekend my goal was to remove the thin top layer, and the secondary layer below. Underneath both of those is the substrate… but we’re leaving that for the flooring guys to remove.
August 26, 2020
The goal: to free up the living room, so we can tackle the floor demo over the coming days. We’re aiming to clear up the floor much like we did in the dining room, taking things down to the substrate.
August 19, 2020
Removing the tile is one thing, but the next step involves cleaning each piece so they can be put back in place. It’s a lot of physical work to clean each one, but they really do shine afterwards.
August 15, 2020
Liz has been powering through getting all the fireplace hearthstone/tiles cleared and demo-ed, in preparation for the upcoming floor work we have scheduled.
July 11, 2020
With our recent work on the dining room floor, we’ve decided to move Liz’s office/desk over to the front of the house (the living room).
February 29, 2020
With the cabinet interior done, we just had to cut a 10′ board and slap it up. We debated a bit, and then Liz said “Let’s just stop talking and do it.”
February 28, 2020
I’ve been pretty bleary-eyed since our work last night. And both Liz and I are pretty exhausted. But it’s exciting to see this room shape up, and I look forward to seeing its progression over the course of the weekend.
February 27, 2020
This afternoon, Liz and I got a text from Bob asking if we’d be able to finish up the living room drywall before tomorrow. I agreed to the work (and to also relocate about 10 sheets of 10′ drywall out of the living room), all before tomorrow AM. So we could have a taper come over in the afternoon and begin his work.
February 1, 2020
Today, Liz and I had dentist appointments in the late morning. We got home around 2:00 PM and decided to spend the rest of the day cleaning up the first floor.
We’ve kept several sheets of plywood and drywall in Bob’s truck, in our driveway. With a lot of our existing drywall actually on the walls, we had a bit more room to haul stuff inside.
January 31, 2020
Liz and I worked a lot tonight on getting the drywall in the living room finished up. While we have a few more areas left, the majority of what we can tackle got finished tonight: two smaller pieces, and one larger piece with a precise cutout for a return vent. At the close of the evening, Liz and I had…
January 22, 2020
Cutting out space for an outlet, for a larger piece on the North wall. The area this was getting added to was pretty tricky, in that we had an area in the original drywall that had bowed a lot. I think we accidentally missed a nail, which resulted in a slight protrusion.
January 18, 2020
For each sheet, we’re doing a bit of dry fitting first. But after that, we’re throwing up some Liquid Nails on the wall and affixing the final sheet on together. The process has been a little tricky, as we’re also using a set of mini/foot lifters, to get the sheet up against the ceiling.
January 16, 2020
More drywall work tonight. Some interesting discoveries and approaches, in that we’ve got some walls that aren’t quite lining up… and required some shimming. As we’re adding drywall to one section, we’re having to forecast how it will line up with a future piece – and the area leading to our windows has proven particularly challenging.
January 15, 2020
Now that we’re back home and rested (and recuperated) from our trip to Costa Rica, Liz and I are trying to dig in deep and put in time towards house work.
December 17, 2019
Liz had the day off today. And instead of taking a much-needed break, she suited up and spent the day working on the living room. We had some backer board left to rip and put up, along with a lot of drywall pieces arond the window frames.
And she did it all. Table saw, circular saw, multitool, staple gun, the works.