New Desk

Liz had to relocate her office up to the bedroom, back when we were getting work done on the first floor. We’ve held off moving her back down there over the winter (it’s warmer upstairs), but that may change soon.
Liz had to relocate her office up to the bedroom, back when we were getting work done on the first floor. We’ve held off moving her back down there over the winter (it’s warmer upstairs), but that may change soon.
Knitting is what she reaches for, to help unwind and relax after a day full of work and meetings and even more meetings. When I glanced over, I saw this.
While I was working on winterizing the first floor a bit more, Liz was down in the basement reviving a cedar chest she had purchased via Facebook.
A lazy night at home, relaxing in front of the TV. Liz and I were waching Star Trek (currently working our way through the Enterprise series).
When checking in on Liz tonight, I found her surrounded by yarn. More than that, she had her head down writing things down in her notebook and constantly going back over to her phone.
One of the many cool Christmas presents I got from Liz was this pair of knitted socks! I watched her make these steadily (and tried them on at various stages), and they fit great.
On walking to the train today, I noticed that Liz was adorned in several items that she made herself. Her hat, her scarf, and her gloves were all made by her, and also matched perfectly (as they were all from the same yarn).
Without further ado, here’s Liz’s story: Chester Chickie. I believe Julie did the handwriting, but Liz did all the illustrations. This was done, according to Julie, back when Liz was in Kindergarten (and it won some kind of an award).
So far, I’ve had my computer set up in the back bedroom – and it’s been nice to have a place to go that isn’t either the bed or the dining room table. For Liz though, she hasn’t had her own space until now.
With our vacation in full swing, Liz and I have been pretty busy with our own projects. Most mornings this week, I’ve gone to New Wave Coffee and set up shop with a bottomless mug. After that, I head home and alternate between being on my computer and playing video games.
With the long holiday weekend, Liz and I have been super busy on our own projects. We spent nearly all of Friday and Saturday hard at it – taking the occasional breaks for food. It’s been a lot of head down, music up moments…
Liz has more or less taken over the dining room, and it’s unofficially her office. Her projects and materials are stored around the room and all over the dining room table. Today, I happened to be walking by the dining room, and glanced over at the ironing board. I had expected to see clothes or fabric on the ironing board,…
A few nights ago, I was in our kitchen. This is the walk-in pantry area, where we store a lot of our supplies… and where our fridge is located. I opened up the freezer door… … and this is what I found. I stared for a while, and tried to make sense of what was going on. Apparently, Liz has…
Oh, snap! Look who just got her own website! Because she’s making/sewing/baking/knitting so many things, it made sense for Liz to have her own site. I set her up with a WordPress blog, and made modifications to the Paperpunch theme, by The Theme Foundry. She’s learned an awful lot in the past few weeks. Not only has she been getting…
Liz and I left for Indianapolis late in the morning (a little later than we intended), but made decent time along I-65. While in the car, Liz was working on some hand-made presents: two knitted dinosaurs. These were gifts that she had started a few weeks ago, and was finishing up the legs and eyes on our trip. I snapped…