July 30, 2022
The AC unit, in place! It was a little tricky getting this thing up high enough… but we eventually got there. Bob and I had to put it in place, make some marks, and then take it back down. After he drilled in holes for the base/feet… we had to put this thing back up again.
We’ve got another unit going in, but it won’t be quite as tight a fit as this was.
July 25, 2022
A little slow going for me. But incorporated a few big clamps, and getting fancy with the spices.
July 24, 2022
We’ve taken to cleaning him here and there, by trying to wipe things down with a damp rag. But today, Liz and I decided we needed to bite the bullet and give him a more formal bath (technically, a butt soaking).
July 22, 2022
Today was a big supply run. We were out in the suburbs, running several errands over several locations. It was… a lot.
July 20, 2022
It’s a difficult thing to do, because we can tell he’s not feeling great. But he also looks so dang cute, when he’s being fed.
He’s not been doing great, though. And definitely needs the Critical Care.
July 18, 2022
One thing that we’ve yet to fully address/fix is the fact that our cement floor doesn’t quite lead water to the french well. When water collects down here, it routes directly towards the basement door… and we’ve gotten more water/flooding ever since we set this area up.
July 17, 2022
It didn’t really hit me until much later, when Liz pointed out that today… officially… we were done with all our soil backfill.
The bricks will likely sink a bit, in the coming weeks. And we’ll need to readdress the soil getting compacted down. But for all intents and purposes, all the soil backfill we need to do is done.
July 16, 2022
Spent some more time with the rotary hammer, trying to clean up this small outcropping of cement. It was slow going, but I definitely had a better handle on things after our prior attempts.
July 15, 2022
After work today, Liz and I made our way to City Escape Garden Center. Did a little browsing around outside, in the light rain.
July 13, 2022
Snapped this brief moment, after all the nail trimming was done. Got to see her resting and still for a few beats, where she was ok to be held for just a little while.
July 7, 2022
The Ford kids are visiting the area, and Liz and I got to take them out for a day in Chicago. We had a lot on the agenda, and really went from place to place to try to do all the things.
July 3, 2022
I had plans this morning to pick up some mulch for the front yard and parkway. And honestly, that was about it. Get some mulch, and then just relax. But today ended up turning into another house day, despite it all.
July 2, 2022
Liz, suited up to do a bit more grinding/smoothing work.
July 1, 2022
Liz got some guidance from Bob, regarding a certain attachment we needed to get for our grinder. This would help take down some of the excess mortar, and also help smooth out some of the rougher spots.
June 30, 2022
On watching her out the back door, I realized how lovely this moment was. And as much as our home is still very much in a construction-zone mode, we have the ability to just walk out back and pluck a few flowers from the garden.