Posts Tagged "liz"

Daisy and Mr. Bubbles, First Bonding Session

With Daisy and Mr. Bubbles next to one another, we could tell they were anxious to hang out again. Daisy could sense someone new was around (though her eyesight probably prevented her from seeing). And Mr. Bubbles was definitely showing an interest in Daisy and her pen.


Daisy and Carmelita, Bonding Sessions Continue

We’ve had a few more bonding sessions with Daisy and Carmelita this week. Things seemed to start off positively (the two were really great with one another, at Liz Rench’s house). But the last few sessions took a turn, where Carmelita has gotten a lot more aggressive.


A New Bunny in the House

Two females bonding is not unheard of, but is typically a tougher match. So there was some hesitation here, bringing Daisy and Carmelita together. But they got along pretty well on their first date, and Carmelita was a strong candidate.


New Old Chairs

This is, I believe, primer. Fun fact: she’s using spray paint, but had to trek out to the suburbs to get it (spray paint isn’t sold within Chicago proper). Go figure.


A Lazy Rain Day

With us working a lot the last few days, today ended up being a pretty slow and laid back kind of day. The sky was cloudy, the forecast called for rain… so we spent a lot of the day just hanging out inside. Chatting a little, reading a little. And more than one nap took place.


Working on the Boat, Day 2

Anne flew in last night, and we had the chance to catch up a bit over dinner. This morning, we all suited up and headed back to the marina to put a few more hours in working on the boat.