Christiana Lakehouse, Day 3

Brandon set up a slack line (and is something to behold, watching him run and leap onto the thing).
Brandon set up a slack line (and is something to behold, watching him run and leap onto the thing).
A big event that many of us were looking forward to this weekend: Tricia, visiting with the kids. It’s been ages since Liz and I have seen Paige, Audrey, and Sebastian… and it was a mini-reunion of sorts when they all arrived.
Liz and I focused a lot on the arbor arches tonight, after work. While I got them sanded down a bit more yesterday… there was still a lot of material remaining. And a lot of fine-tuning still needed.
I set up shop and did a bit of sanding on the arbor arches. Liz ended up continuing to lay out, plan, and plant more things around the arbor.
My initial thought was to mark this all out on a piece of masonate, and to cut it with the jigsaw. Using the masonite as a template, I’d just trace this over the wood to get all four pieces.
After work today, Liz and I decided to race the light and try to get the trellises built for the arbor. We had all the material lying around from our materials run, so it was just a matter of doing the measurements and making the cuts.
On the list: several bags of Moonure. After picking up all these bags and loading them in the car, I had to fight the urge to text Liz that I was “finally done with all this shit.”
After our adventure with the sod cutter last week, we still had a lot of clean-up to deal with in the back yard.
Liz, showing off her Covid hair.
This thing… was actually quite stressful for me to procure. It must be my planning and default stress, but the whole process was a bit daunting. The thing is around 300 pounds, and I was worried about transporting it to/from Home Depot.
In my defense, I was super tired…
After a late breakfast, several of us went to go spend some time helping Kirt work on the new boat he acquired (and is restoring).
With our travel done yesterday afternoon/evening, Liz and I spent the day today working remotely. Which… when you’re already working remotely, where that happens seems like a moot point.
With the crazy long work day we had yesterday, Liz and I were both pretty wiped out today.
Our goals for the arbor today were pretty modest: get in the bottom 2×4 cross braces (with pocket screws) and also get in the top 4×4 cross beams.