Posts Tagged "liz"

Hall Backer Board

It’s been a while since Liz and I tackled prepping and installing backer board. The process isn’t too bad overall, but we were slowly remembering the process and steps.

The reason for this particular work: on Bob’s suggestion, installing backer board along the base of all the walls saves time during the trim installation period. No need to hunt and hope for a stud – because you can nail in anywhere at all. Because the backer board is everywhere.


Finishing the Patches

After a few nights working solo, I was fortunate to have Liz help with getting the remaining drywall patches up on the ceiling. She’s been super busy with work work lately, and tonight was a moment when she pulled away to help out.


Taping the Closet

As Bob was working on the new closet, he needed the top part of the drywall mudded and taped (per code). He’s finishing up the duct work here, and needed this done before the next day. So Liz ended up suiting up unexpectedly tonight, and put in some time trying to get into some pretty tight spaces.


First Floor Leveling, Day 2

Liz said she felt a bit depressed because “the goalposts moved,” but she powered through things as always. With the flooring guys and Bob working during the day (and us working remote during the day), we end up having to do what we can in the evenings.


First Floor Leveling, Day 1

We’re lucky to have Milton and Nick (L to R) working on our floors. Bob’s worked with them before on a few jobs, and the come highly recommended. Bob’s got an incredibly high bar for the quality of work he expects of those in the trade… so when he’s enthusiastic about someone, we know to pay attention.


Dining Room Floor Demo

All told, we started a bit before noon and finshed up closer to 7:30 PM I want to say. A really, really long day. I think for the other rooms, we may want to split this work up over multiple days, just so we don’t have to marathon it again.