Posts Tagged "liz"

Kohler Weekend 2018, Day 3

This is a really great spot, and some place I would love to come back to with a book. I’d like to sit here again for an hour or two, sipping on coffee and just relaxing for a bit.


Adding Supports on the First Floor

Bob was over again for a full day working on the house. I had work work I needed to catch up on, and so I spent most of my time in the office, working on my computer. But luckily, Liz was around and worked alongside Bob to help put in some new support beams on the first floor.


Thanksgiving in Valparaiso

Liz and I left the city on Wednesday, and headed out to Valparaiso to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with Julie and Bob. Today, we mostly just bummed around the house before the festivities (and Katie/Tim’s family came over).


Weekend in Valpo, Part 1

Liz and I got talking earlier in the week, and we came to a decision about the weekend. We’ve been working pretty nonstop on the house – and with Bob, it’s just been house house house all the time. Our only context has been working on the house, lately.

So we decided to call it an early Saturday, and asked to spend the night in Valparaiso. Our goal would be to just hang out a bit more socially, outside of the housework. And just do something that didn’t involve tools or demo of any kind.


Bedroom Prep, Closet Demo Part 2

When I saw this, I got really excited. It’s amazing to see the room in this state, as the walls have never been this insulated or this protected ever. I know we’ve still got more work to do, but this was really encouraging.


Prepping the Bedroom Wall

Today, while Liz and Bob were working on the master bedroom – I worked on cleaning and clearing up more space in the basement. We’ve got a lot of thing stacked up in the front office, and it’s getting near time to move all of that stuff down here (and out of the way).


Cleaning the Bedroom Bricks

Tonight was one of the few nights Bob wasn’t planing on being at the house, so we used it as an opportunity to do some messy work. After getting home from work, we suited up and tackled cleaning the chimney bricks in the master bedroom.