Posts Tagged "liz"

A Long Day of Outdoor Work

After brunch, we headed back home and suited up for a bit of yardwork. Neither Liz nor I intended to spend the rest of the day outside… but an hour turned into two turned into almost five.


The Daisy Incident

When bunnies don’t eat, it’s a pretty big deal. For them to not have food in their system is very problematic, and potentially life-threatening. We’ve seen the “not eating” behavior before, and know that it’s potentially the start of gastro-intestinal stasis.


Staining the Fence

Liz and I woke up early, had some breakfast, and were out around 9AM throwing blankets over our plants… preparing for our big day painting/staining the fence. We bought an airless paint sprayer last night, and wanted to make sure everything was protected.