
I was out running errands after work, and on arriving home… found Liz in the front yard, watering.
I was out running errands after work, and on arriving home… found Liz in the front yard, watering.
Liz and I met up with Julie and Bob for Mother’s Day a while back, and spent a leisurely day hanging out in Chinatown, Northerly Island, and then later in Hyde Park.
After brunch, we headed back home and suited up for a bit of yardwork. Neither Liz nor I intended to spend the rest of the day outside… but an hour turned into two turned into almost five.
Liz got these towels as a gift from her mom, for her birthday. They are incredibly cute, and just uncanny in how close they are to matching the two of us.
As I was grabbing photos off my phone, to write up the blog entry for our Date Night at Giant, in Logan Square… I noticed something a little off. What was that photo there, before all the restaurant ones?
After a full day of cleaning the house (and some miscellaneous yard work), Liz and I cleaned up and headed back to Logan Square for date night. Several months ago, back in March, she made reservations for us at a place called Giant.
It’s been an incredibly busy Saturday for us! Liz and I started off with a morning run (we’re on Day 3 of our return to the Couch to 5K program). Then we had a quick breakfast, changed, and went straight to work in the backyard.
Liz and I are giving the Couch to 5K thing another go. She’s been itching to be more active, and I’m usually the one who drags his feet on this kind of thing. But in talking this past week, we both decided that more motion in our lives would be a good thing.
For Liz’s birthday dinner, we went out to Won Fun Chinese. A funny thing – we were just in this area the night before, as we came out after my 20×2 Chicago talk. We were running around in the rain, looking for a place to eat… and ended up a block away. Funny that less than 24 hours later, we were back.
Liz had been itching to work on the yard this weekend, but given how much rain was in the forecast… we decided to go visit some shops today, instead. First up – Urban Remains, a place I had visited once before, but Liz had not (though I was there to pick up an item she had purchased from them, online).
When bunnies don’t eat, it’s a pretty big deal. For them to not have food in their system is very problematic, and potentially life-threatening. We’ve seen the “not eating” behavior before, and know that it’s potentially the start of gastro-intestinal stasis.
Today, we were a little faster and a little more familiar with the process. We had just about two gallons to work with to do a final/second pass on our side.
Liz and I woke up early, had some breakfast, and were out around 9AM throwing blankets over our plants… preparing for our big day painting/staining the fence. We bought an airless paint sprayer last night, and wanted to make sure everything was protected.
Tonight, Bob was over and helped us set up a new Craftsman Table Saw we purchased. Additionally, he brought over a replacement for our miter saw, which was working fine… but a piece of errant wood broke off the guard. Thankfully, the warranty we got covered a full replacement – so Bob helped set up both.
A parliament of Peeps.