Posts Tagged "liz"

Putting Tippi in the Ground

Tippi has been kind of clinging on, half browned and half green. We’ve tried to water her when we can, but she’s suffered a lot these past few months in her little pot. We decided that today would be the day we put her in the ground.


Happy Anniversary to Us!

I don’t know the last time I referenced it, but our wedding website ( is still online. We originally used it as a way to provide information to our guests, and it’s now where we store all the photos from the wedding itself. Consider this an official invitation to swing by and take a gander. Lots of fun links in the sidebar, too.


Brunch at Bongo Room

My meal, which was a pile of berry cheesecake flapjacks. Which were pretty much what you imagined they would be: “cheesecake in pancake form.” I was happy to not succomb to my normal habit of coming here, and then ordering something heartier like an omelette. The sweet breakfasts are the main pull for the Bongo Room, and I’m glad to have indulged.


A Lazy Day At Home, Together

In addition to some of the sewing-related purchases she made (buttons, fabrics), she also brought back a lot of chocolate, some cookies, and of course some macarons. This box was all for me, and I have little shame in telling you that I ate them all in one sitting. I do feel a slight bit of shame, when thinking about how quickly I went about eating them though.


Liz Comes Home

Arrival areas are awesome, and that goes double for an international arrival area. So many people and languages, so much happiness.


Liz Leaves for Paris

I left work a bit early today, to meet up with Liz at the Blue Line. This may be news to some, but she is heading off to Paris for two weeks (and I’m staying in Chicago).


Date Night: Drinks at The Aviary

My final drink: Edison Square (warm, pistachio, ancho, caramel, rye, cognac). The way this drink is brought out is really amazing. It’s bottled up, and then when the server opens the top up… smoke just billows out everywhere. Pretty much everyone else in our immediate area stopped what they were doing and watched.


Garden Box Explosion, Box 2

What’s crazy is that for the last four or five days, we’ve been able to feed the rabbits 100% with things from the garden boxes (and from a few herbs planted along the fence). They’re getting a bit less that they used to get, but the quality is definitely much higher.


Happy 105th Birthday, Grandma Phoebe

Another milestone, for my Grandma Phoebe – as family and friends gathered to celebrate her 105th birthday. Lots of dim sum, birthday cake, balloons, photos, and no small amount of face swapping on our mobile phones. A fun day catching up with cousins and nieces and nephews from all over (and technically all over the world).