July 25, 2015
The scariest part was definitely the view from the street, and the actual act of getting up on the ledge. It’s narrow like a balance beam, but I found that it was better to just get up and jump, and not think too much on things.
July 24, 2015
Liz and I got to visit the Christiana Lake House this weekend, staying with Uncle David and Aunt Beth, and many other visiting Denlers. We were among the first to arrive on Friday evening, and walked around the area taking in the sunset.
July 19, 2015
But it’s slowly getting there, and slowly growing together again. We set the mower to its highest setting (4 inches), and are going to be taking another pass this week to get it a little lower. It almost got wild on us for a second there, but it’s really starting to look like a true and actual lawn.
June 28, 2015
This is a picture I did not take of Liz, Meg, Josh, Michelle, and Mike sitting around a table at The Promontory, about to dig into our afternoon brunch on Saturday.
June 22, 2015
This is a rather big file (2.2MB), but does show the whole progress of our backyard: from the clearing to the leveling to the sod installation. The first few photos are a little off, but I did try to take photos from the same vantage point during the sod install part.
June 21, 2015
It’s been a long two days of work, and a remarkable four days of change. Considering how things looked Thursday, it’s hard to believe. I think we’re lucky to have this bench, because for the foreseeable future… every time I get back here, I’m going to be blown away. And will need to sit down, to marvel at it all.
June 20, 2015
Unfortunately, the forklift was bigger than a bobcat… and couldn’t make it down the driveway. So he left all four palettes of our sod near the front. We kind of knew this might happen, so it just means more transport and moving around for us.
June 19, 2015
Today was a little more subdued. Though the bobcat came back for more clearing, there were only two workers (as opposed to the five we had yesterday).
June 16, 2015
Tonight, after work, Liz and I stepped out on the back porch and took one last look at the backyard. It’s a crazy, overgrown mess… but all of that changes, in less than 24 hours.
June 13, 2015
This is after a few hours. It was slow going, and the concrete actually ran much deeper than I anticipated. There’s actually a layer of brick underneath everything, and I was pulling up chunks that were several inches thick.
June 9, 2015
After he had a rather rough episode, we’ve been helping Quincy with his ears. In addition to all his medication, he now gets ear drops twice a day… and an ear cleaning once every three days.
May 27, 2015
She’s left notes for me in the past (see below), but usually she’s around when that happens. We still talk each night on the phone, but it definitely feels weird to be apart for so long.
May 22, 2015
The front yard really is a lovely thing to see. I’d argue it’s the nicest looking plot of lawn on the block, but then… I’m a little biased in this regard. I am still awed when I think about how this all used to look, before Liz and Julie tackled it.
May 17, 2015
A lovely photo of Liz, with our house in the background. Bit by bit, we’re making things better. I cannot wait until this backyard area is all cleaned up. I’m truly looking forward to inviting folks over to come and hang out. Can’t wait.
May 16, 2015
A lot of the tables were taken up (blame it on a nice Saturday evening), so Bob and I grabbed some stools at the bar. It’s always neat coming here with Bob, as this was a bar he frequented many years ago, when he was working on the South Side.