Posts Tagged "logan square"

Not Rats, Rainbow

On my way to work this morning, I took out the trash and walked through the alleyway that runs somewhat parallel to Logan Boulevard. Near the end, where it meets up with the alley that runs along Milwaukee… I spotted this odd note, spray-painted into the ground.


Cloudy Sky, Clear Sky

Spotted this on the way home, near the Logan Blue Line stop. As I was looking up, I noticed clouds occupying only half the sky. One side had them, the other side was absolutely clear – as blank as a piece of paper. This photo doesn’t really do the moment much justice, but it felt like I was looking at…


Illinois Centennial Monument: New Bird Record

Spotted this small gathering of birds on the way to work yesterday morning. I’ve seen two birds on the statue before, but this was my first glimpse of a group of them (six in total). Specifically, they are perched atop the Illinois Centennial Monument. But for my money, it’s six birds sitting on a giant eagle. I wonder if the…


Umbrella Hat, Logan Square

Spotted this woman walking around Logan Square yesterday. I’m not sure of the actual purpose of her umbrella hat. If it was meant to block the sun, that made sense… but there were a ton of clouds out, and the entire sky was a blanket of gray. If it was meant to prevent against rain, it would protect her head……


Getting the Car Assessed for Hail Damage

A few weeks back, we had a pretty crazy hail storm hit Chicago. While I delayed a bit in calling the insurance company, it took until now (three plus weeks later) before I could even get in to meet with the insurance adjustor. There were so many vehicles damaged during that storm, the appointments windows were booked up solid. When…


Crazy Hail Storm, Logan Square

Last week, we had a storm roll through which resulted in some crazy hail. The sound of it hitting our roof was like softballs, pounding into our apartment. I had taken my camera to our back porch to try to record the hail falling, but after opening the door a large piece smacked me right on the foot. It hurt…


Tiny Signs, Logan Square

On the way to work today, Liz insisted that we swing by the Logan Square Comfort Station – a small building located on a triangular patch of land, nestled between Logan Boulevard and Milwaukee. As we got closer to the building, she kept asking me Do you see it yet? I didn’t notice the tiny signs until I got really…


Green Lantern, Tagged in Logan Square

In Brightest Day… In Blackest Night… I first saw guys working on this sign on May 24th, as we were walking to the Logan Blue Line stop. This was probably around 8:30AM. At the time of the install, I was hoping to catch a guy sticking out of GL’s head (I was thinking of this shot I took, many years…


Slight Flooding, Logan Square

We got a lot of rain on Saturday, and it looks like it backed up the sewer drains near our place. I was looking out the window onto one of the side streets that runs parallel to Logan Boulevard, and our parking spots were covered with a good amount of water. Detail of the flooding. Glad I stayed in for…


Tilted Tables

We got out of work a little early on Friday, and on my way home I spotted these tables set up outside Ciao Napoli Pizzeria. Tilted tables, tilted. Related:CTA TiltImaginary Captions: Funny CTA Ad


I Keep the Snowmobiles Parked Out Back

Some mornings, I head to work via the alleys behind my apartment. Usually if I need to take out the trash, I’ll go down the back stairs and walk along the alley that kicks out further up the street, near New Wave Coffee. The alley by us converges with another alley (that runs parallel to Milwaukee Avenue). The space between…


Two Local Putty Tats, Wanted for Questioning

Logan Square – Chicago, IL. At 8:15 AM, local authorities found the body of an unidentified Logan Square male at Logan and Milwaukee. There were no witnesses at the time of discovery. Known around the neighborhood as Tweety, friends and neighbors remember the man’s slight lisp and distinctive voice. He was 68 years old. The victim’s longtime roommate is currently…