November 28, 2023
While we were in Michigan, Bob was able to install both windows in our bedroom. It’s a bit mind-boggling to me, when I imagine how much he must have had to go up/down the scaffold for this – but we arrived home to see our bedroom in an entirely new light – quite literally so.
November 12, 2023
It’s like we left a time capsule for ourselves. What a lovely converage of the past and present.
November 11, 2023
Today, we started to prep the exterior – and also removed the AC unit which was embedded into the foam insulation. If all goes well, we’ll be looking to install two newer windows into this space.
February 17, 2019
This is a view of our living room, after we moved the bed out. Taken last night, this is where we had dinner around 10:30 PM. Which totally felt weird, because we’re used to eating dinner in bed, while watching TV. It actually looks like a normal room, now.
February 16, 2019
The master bedroom has been totally reworked, since that time. From the early days before I knew how to demo a wall, to having all the walls removed on the second floor, to pulling up the floor… this room has really been rebuilt.
February 13, 2019
Normally, you wouldn’t really put a ton of time into cleaning this up. Sure, you’d want to pop off the biggest bits. But so long as things are mostly level… there’s going to be hardwood floor going down on top of the plywood, so what’s the point?
February 11, 2019
A lot of the room was caked with drywall dust – the result of our taper sanding down the mud used on the drywall seams. Thankfully, it was all pretty heavy and didn’t billow out too far… but keeping things contained as a big priority.
February 10, 2019
This weekend, we got our bedroom officially taped, sanded, and painted with primer. The walls all have clean edges, everything is white, and the room actually looks like a room!
February 2, 2019
On Saturday, we had a taper come over and begin the process of taping, sanding, and priming the master bedrooom walls. This was a very exciting milestone for us, and once it’s done… we’ll be ready to relocate upstairs officially (and open up room to work on the first floor).
January 21, 2019
Though we’ve had a three day weekend, it’s been pretty busy at our place. Today, after a nice breakfast, Liz and I suited up to finish the remaining drywall work in the master bedroom.
January 19, 2019
Bob was over today, and put in some time to help tackle a few tricky drywall pieces/angles in the master bedroom. He filled out the (future) door to our walk-in closet.
January 12, 2019
It was only after my shower that I realized I had yet to shovel our sidewalk outside, with all the snow that came down during the day. So I changed, went outside, and did that for a good while.
January 9, 2019
Though we are both back at work again, Liz and I continue to try to do some house work for a few hours, when we get home.
January 4, 2019
After dry-fitting the pieces, Liz applies Green Glue to the drywall while I put some sealant along any seams (and any screw heads). Once that’s done, we position the drywall together, and get a few screws in for the board to remain in position. Then, as I’m throwing more screws in… Liz is off to the next piece.
January 3, 2019
After work, I got home and we did another session of drywall. We got a second piece up along the North wall.