September 25, 2024
Liz went in for a flu shot today, and I tagged along. I haven’t been thinking much about vaccines and such, before the start of the winter season… but Liz has a lot of foresight.
She’s done the math, trying to figure out when to get her flu shot (and then allowing enough time to pass before getting a Covid shot), all before her big race.
July 15, 2024
The thing about getting older – there are additional things to be concerned about, medically. Today was a bit of a follow-up, from my earlier lame birthday present at the start of the year.
Shingles vaccines are done in two phases, with the second shot happening a few months after the first. It’s important to get both, so today… part two.
March 13, 2024
A sad thing about turning 50 years old: I’m eligible for the shingles vaccine.
December 28, 2023
I’ve been pulling items off the pantry shelf, whenever I go into the kitchen. And smelling things like coffee beans, trying to sense if I can pick up any aroma at all. Sometimes it’s nothing, sometimes I think I catch a whiff of something. But it’s hard to tell if it’s an actual smell I’m able to detect, or if it’s the memory of a smell.
July 25, 2023
Back again at the ophthalmologist, to get my annual eye exam. After a disturbing period of time where my vision was blurring back in 2021… I’ve gotten my eyes checked once a year.
Part of the exam process involve pupil dilation, and you get taken to a waiting area for the stuff to kick in. As I was settling down, I spotted this sign:
April 6, 2022
Dr. Yang: Oh! I think I just saw the lights flicker!
Me: Oh, ok. Well, that’s good.
Dr. Yang: It just happened again. Did you see that?
May 9, 2021
Ever since I got that scare where I had vision issues, I’ve been aiming to try to lose weight. Eating better/healthier is one step, but weight loss also helps reduce blood sugar levels.
April 21, 2021
My back got worse and worse, to the point where when I stood up… I’d need to do so slowly, and walk down to the second floor with my body curled like a comma. My back muscles were tender to the touch. I’m amazed that just a small bout of working bent over, resulted in all of this.
April 6, 2021
He told me that my eyes were not damaged at all, which was a good thing. As high blood sugar can cause damages to the eyes and blood vessels. And that Diabetes is the third leading cause of blindness. Another sobering fact to take in.
April 5, 2021
I started noticing I had some blurry vision a few days ago. And last night, I had a late snack and was then reading in bed. After about 20 minutes or so, as I was reading, I noticed the text began to get blurry.
It was then that I drew the connection between me eating/digesting food and my blurry vision. A few quick Google searches gave me results that were not promising, and seemed to suggest Diabetes.
April 3, 2021
I had an odd thing today happen, right before I went out to run errands. I was sitting at my computer, and the text on the screen just wasn’t getting into focus.
September 1, 2020
An interesting note: there seemed to be more concern about what type of sole my shoe had, when I got my injury. Apparently, if you have rubber soles, rubber carries a lot more bacteria… and increases the chance that bad things get introduced into your system. Who knew?
August 31, 2020
I totally forgot that I stepped on a nail yesterday, when I was working on pulling up the floor in the living room. It was painful (the nail went through my boot), and I yelped… but it wasn’t a super deep puncture. But I do believe it did puncture the skin slightly.
August 9, 2019
Honestly, in addition to the process itself… the administration of this drug was also fairly unsettling to me. I heard stories of people emerging from this having said or blurted out all manner of crazy things.
Part of me wondered: what would I say? Horrible things about what I thought of others? Would I blurt out statements that would reveal me for the horrible person I am, deep down? Would something happen where I would lose all of my memories, and not just the ones during the procedure.
August 8, 2019
The day before my procedure, I was working from home. I dropped Liz off at the train station, picked up a coffee… and what I walked by the bathroom upstairs, I spotted this little gift that Liz had left for me.
My wife, ladies and gentelmen. God bless her.