Christmas in Merrillville

For a late Christmas get-together, Liz and I headed over to Merrillville, for a lovely evening/dinner at Katie and Tim’s house.
For a late Christmas get-together, Liz and I headed over to Merrillville, for a lovely evening/dinner at Katie and Tim’s house.
We brought a few things to share. And also got to sample some Armagnac that Katie and Tim picked up, while they were in southern France earlier this year.
to Merrilville… to hang out with Julie and Bob, and Katie and Tim’s family. We had a big dinner planned, with folks arriving in the afternoon for drinks and gift exchanges.
Today, Liz and I joined Julie, Bob, Katie, and Tim in Merrillville to celebrate thanksgiving. We got there around 1:30PM, and had a pretty lazy afternoon just hanging out in the kitchen, drinking wine, and snacking prior to the big meal.
Today Liz and I drove to Merrillville to visit Tricia and Darryl’s family, and to help celebrate Sebastian’s first birthday. As is the tradition, he got to have an entire cake to himself. Here he is, getting his first taste: After a while, he began to get a little more adventurous. Sebastian, starting to get into the cake a bit…
For Thanksgiving, Liz and I trekked to Merrillville to spend Thanksgiving at Tricia and Darryl’s house. Early in the morning, we woke up and began prepping some side dishes to take with us. We did veggies: green beans, carrots with an orange/ginger sauce, and some garlic mashed potatoes. While the potatoes used a rather remarkable amount of butter, I have…
Liz and I headed over to Merrillville, IN to hang out with Tricia and Darryl for the afternoon. We also stuck around to see all the kids’ costumes, and went over to Katie and Dan’s neighborhood. I’m used to seeing lots of folks trick or treating, but apparently it’s been a while since I’ve seen it on a scale like…