Posts Tagged "moving"

The Big Storage Unit Move

Today was our big move, getting lots of our boxed items transferred from our second floor over to a storage unit. Our goal is clear out our second floor as much as we possibly can, so that we can start to do more significant work on the floor and walls in the master bedroom, guest bedroom, and (eventually) our front office.


The Night Before the Storage Unit Move

Tomorrow morning, we have a crew of movers coming over to relocate all our boxes into a storage unit.

It’s part of our larger plan for the second floor, to literally clear out as much as we can… so we can start to do some serious work up here: ripping out the old floor, putting down insulation and conduit, adding new plywood, and also getting some walls set up.


Goodbye, Frankfort (Part 2)

A big moving day, but Bob and Julie are officially in their new place. Lots of boxes, lots of things to arrange… but this is an exciting next chapter for them. Looking forward to visiting, and seeing the new place when everyone is all settled.


Moving Day

It’s odd to think that this may be one of the last times we’ll be moving our things. At least for a good long while.


Painting the Bedroom Walls

Tonight, instead of working on the house, we focused on prepping our apartment. We still haven’t found new tenants, which is a good and bad thing: good in that we have someplace to stay that’s warm, while we work on the house; bad in that we’re double-paying for two locations, for the time being.


The Growing Wall of Boxes

As our wall of boxes grows, our living room is slowly shrinking down. In another week, I’m expecting we’ll have to build some kind of door/arch out of boxes, so we can even get to the couch. With the dwindling square footage available in the living room, it makes me think we’re trying to build our own mini-version of the Nine Hours Capsule Hotel.


Re-Painting the Dining Room

Liz, working on covering the dining room with a layer of primer. Though we still haven’t found anyone to take over our lease yet, we’re basically in prep mode – packing, getting things ready so that we can move out quickly, at a moment’s notice.



Slowly but surely, we’re building a small fort in the living room. One thing we are trying to remember is to not leave any access points for Phineas to start climbing. One or two low lying boxes, and I’m convinced he’d be sitting at the very top, wondering how to get back down.


Work, Paint, Rest, Repeat

So we have fair amount to do yet, at the old apartment. We have four rooms that need to be painted: the sunroom, the bedroom, the office, and the dining room. Liz, working on the bedroom. So we’ve got until 4/1 to do this all. Sorta. Because so far, we haven’t yet found someone who wants to take the apartment…


Boxes and Bunny Bonding

Day two of our new apartment. Again, we spent a lot of today unpacking boxes. I never knew we owned so much crap. It’s staggering, really, to see it all in a lump all at once. Today we concentrated on the kitchen, and got the whole area cleared out. The countertops are a bit more open, and the oven and…