Posts Tagged "music video"

half·alive: still feel

I’m not quite looping it just yet, and not sure it will quite reach that status. But it just struck me as a super fun song. And that in and of itself seemed to make it worthy to pass along.


The Decemberists: Sons and Daughters

I was scrolling around over old artists I had in my Spotify library, and returned to The Decemberists – a group I hadn’t listened to in a long while. I mostly know their album “The King is Dead,” and have my favorites there. But I started to look around at some older stuff, and began listening to “The Crane Wife.”


The Lone Bellow: Diners

There is most definitely a rising/falling thing that I find simply hypnotic. I’ve taken to not only listening to it while coding, but also on my walk to/from work. And it’s no exaggeration when I tell you that sometimes, as I’m walking… I’ll catch myself nodding my head in time to this tune.


Joe Pug: Hymn #101

“And I’ve come to know the wishlist of my father
I’ve come to know the shipwrecks where he wished
I’ve come to wish aloud, among the overdressed crowd
Come to witness now the sinking of the ship
Throwing pennies from the seatop next to it”


Laura Marling on Loop

“Of course the only part that I want to read
Is about her time spent with me
Wouldn’t you die to know how you’re seen
Are you getting away with who you’re trying to be?”


Allen Stone: Where You’re At

Today was a pretty exceptional day for me, at work. I found this song, and it just so happened that a lot of folks were out of the office. So I had a lot of music on, head down, coding time. I worked pretty solidly, stopping briefly for lunch, and just cranked. It felt pretty great.