Posts Tagged "music video"

Debussy Dots: The Snow is Dancing

Debussy Dots: The Snow is Dancing is a fantastic visualization by Alexander Chen. It’s mesmerizing, and absolutely a lovely experience. I’m reminded of one of my favorite musical visualizations: Sonar. As I was looking over other musical visualizations I liked, I realized that I’ve mentioned Chen’s work on here a number of times. He’s also the author of Conductor and…


Sufjan Stevens: Eugene

The more I listen, the more impressed I am at the range of the song. It spans two-plus octaves, but never really feels like it’s moving that far or fast, as the song is so melodic you don’t really notice the distance being travelled.


Chicken Attack

I’ve had this song stuck in my head for a few days, and it’s not leaving. So in an attempt to exorcise it, I’m sharing it in the hopes that it will leave my ears and infect yours.


Aaron Espe: Everyday

With that change, right on that word – the whole song takes on more of a somber tone. While the slower pace and Espe’s voice helps remove some of the sugar from the song, it’s that note, that shift on the phrase “come my way” that really made me look at this as an incredibly sad song.


Novo Amor: Anchor

I’m not clear what it is with this song, and with Faux… but they are perfect songs for me to work to. The rise and swell of the song, particularly when put on repeat, seem to sync up really well to my brain.