October 16, 2013
It’s funny how, despite all the differences in hair styles and clothes, I find myself locking eyes with everyone almost immediately. It’s almost a magnetic feeling, where you feel drawn to everyone’s eyes so that you can better “see” everyone as they flash by. I’d recommend listening/watching the video all the way through, if you can. Although it’s tough to resist stopping and starting throughout, as it’s pretty amazing just how many people were involved in this thing.
October 8, 2013
While at work yesterday, I started browsing around the portfolio of an agency that had done a video for my work place. I happened across this random video by Ben Pearce, consisting of a wide mix of individuals (old ladies, drag queens, east London hipsters) simply dancing to the song.
October 5, 2013
For their song Wor, Django Django decided to focus the music video entirely on the Well of Death riders in Allahabad, India.
September 17, 2013
Not sure what I was expecting when I saw the title of this, but I was mesmerized from the get go. At times frenetic, at other time jazzy smooth… this was a fun video to experience. The trio is composed of Finnish jazz pianist Iiro Rantala, guitarist Marzi Nyman, and beat boxer Felix Zenger. Now how’s that for an interesting lineup?
September 14, 2013
Towards the end he gets very emotional, and verges on breaking down and crying. I keep going back and forth on how I feel about it – at times, it’s super uncomfortable to watch; at other times, I’m in awe of how he fights against his emotions, and gathers himself to finish the song.
August 16, 2013
Another one of the songs I’ve been looping lately, from Gregory Alan Isakov’s album The Weatherman. I’m finding myself following a similar pattern as when I first got into The Low Anthem and began to seemingly post up nearly every song on the album here.
August 6, 2013
Recently Liz and I travelled to southern Illinois for a family wedding, and this album is something that kept us company for the long drive up and down I-55. In particular, it’s what I listened to on a brief loop while Liz took a late afternoon nap on our way back to Chicago.
August 1, 2013
There are no lyrics per se, or at least as far as I can make out (it’s scat, after all). It’s tough to describe the sound of this one song in particular – although the image that sometimes pops in my head is an incredibly stoned Popeye the Sailor Man, singing as the effects of a nitrous balloon are slowly wearing off. I know, it’s weird. And this song definitely differs from others that I’ve posted on here. But I kind of love it.
July 29, 2013
I’ve been listening a lot to the latest album from Gregory Alan Isakov, entitled The Weatherman. In particular, one song that’s gotten into my “perpetual loop” schedule is Suitcase Full of Stars.
July 24, 2013
One of the things I like about using Rdio is going through the new releases each week. Oftentimes, I’ll go through most albums methodically… but I can usually tell within a few seconds whether the album/artist is something I’d like or not. But when I find something I like, it’s always a delightful surprise – especially if the band name or the album cover isn’t what I expected it to be.
July 12, 2013
I’ve been listening to From the Hills Below the City, by Houndmouth for the last few weeks, and still not tired of it. These guys were on Letterman last night, and thought I’d share another of their songs.
June 23, 2013
Another recent album I’ve been listening a lot to is From the Hills Below the City, by Houndmouth. I haven’t been particularly stuck on this one song, but it was the best example I could find in terms of videos available.
June 17, 2013
I came across The Cat Empire a week or so ago, and I have to confess… this is not a band that I thought I would like. It’s hard to describe their sound, as it seems a mixture of a lot of different influences. For this song, Brighter Than Gold, there’s this undercurrent of ska and… not sure what you would call it. Latin? Salsa? A lot of heavy, brassy horns that at times make me think of Miami Sound Machine.
June 7, 2013
Here’s another song that I can’t quite stop listening (and tapping my foot) to: Here Comes Love, by the California Honeydrops. The song itself is pretty infectious, and has this kind familiar feeling about it.
June 4, 2013
NPR Music’s Tiny Desk Concerts was due to move locations, and so OK Go decided to help them out by playing their song All is Not Lost – 223 times, over the course of the entire move.