November 10, 2012
It’s hard for me to pinpoint why I seem to like this song so much much, and why I have it looping incessantly. I think a lot of it has to do with the refrain, and the slow, floating cascade that happens in terms of both volume and musical notes.
When he sings the refrain, he’s hitting those top two notes forcefully… and then slowly sliding down the scale, settling into the next line.
October 8, 2012
It started with a list of 25 songs, voted on by readers. As each group came in to perform a song, they would have to pick one from the list. Once performed, that song was crossed off… which resulted in a smaller list of songs later musicians could choose from. Naturally, this ended up creating some really interesting pairings.
October 2, 2012
The first 60 seconds or so are exactly what I was looking to do with a song by The Books entitled Tokyo: apply a small animation to a specific instrument or musical phrase, and try to map out the entire song as a series of tiny animated clips.
September 22, 2012
So you know, this is a kind of commercial (it’s sponsored by Trident, hence all the gum-chewing). BUT. It’s still awesome, and still worth a watch. Normally, I dislike having two video posts back to back… but I was just laughing so much at this, I needed to share it. In case you have doubts (or in case you have…
September 19, 2012
I happened across this video very randomly, as it was included as placeholder content in a carousel for a random WordPress theme. I’ve seen it repeatedly for some time now, but today was the first time I actually hit the “play” button. Once the animation began, I was hooked.
September 15, 2012
The lines “And all you need is just one more excuse,” and “I want to hear your very best excuse” are perfect for me. Whenever I feel my energy flagging, I fixate on these two lines and dig in a little more.
As of this second week, I’m becoming more aggressive about our runs – treating them in a kind of combative way. I’m hoping this will change, as I can’t imagine maintaining this mindset for a super long time. But for now, it’s giving me a good kick in the ass, to ensure I keep at it.
August 31, 2012
Even if you’re not a fan of Breaking Bad, I think you’ll enjoy this great remix video by Chris Lohr. I’ve seen mention that there are some spoilers (from Seasons 1/2), but I don’t think there’s that much here.
August 26, 2012
Since Friday, I’ve been listening a lot to Kelly Joe Phelps. He had an album out recently called Brother Sinner & the Whale, which I listened to a bit. But I got sucked in to an album of his entitled Shine Eyed Mister Zen.
August 24, 2012
This video is one of those things where, once you start watching… you can’t pull away. I don’t speak Korean, and have no idea what the lyrics mean. Still, my brain tries to put some kind of narrative to the visuals I’m seeing, piecing the disparate sequences into some kind of coherent whole.
August 7, 2012
Dan and Ben filmed a scene.
It was shown to the next team.
They had 1 hour and 1 take
to re-create it from memory.
The video that team made
was shown to the next team,
and so on and so on.
August 2, 2012
For some reason beyond my understanding, the song that Bugs Bunny first sings in the episode Long-Haired Hare got stuck in my head, a few days ago. And after kind of humming it quietly to myself, I came upon a sudden realization: I could look it up on the Internet!
I’ve never known the name of the song, and I’m not sure why it took me all this time to actually look the thing up. It’s been a bit of a mystery to me, and it’s silly to realize that I could have easily looked this up 5+ years ago.
June 12, 2012
Lately, I’ve been really enjoying an artist by the name of Sóley, and her album We Sink. The songs are soft and have this slow rumbling, slightly menacing quality to them. In particular, I’ve been really liking the above song, I’ll Drown.
June 8, 2012
There is a definite Spring/Summer vibe to this song, I think. Or at least, it’s the vibe I’m projecting onto it. Hearing this song makes me think of the outdoors, of car rides and long distances. It’s the feeling of traveling somewhere with a friend or a loved one, and that moment when you realize how contented you are by the journey itself, regardless of whatever destination awaits.
May 21, 2012
Since I looked up his name again a few days ago, I’ve been really liking this one song by Allen Stone.
May 19, 2012
Last December, when I got an iPad for Christmas… I installed a ton of new apps on the device, just to try them out. One of the ones I installed was the NPR iPad app. Looking around the sections, I happened across this great performance by Allen Stone.