Posts Tagged "music video"

1,500 Photographs, 500 People, 100 Seconds

This music video for Maxmaber Orkestar is a pretty fun concept – 500 people, 1,500 still photographs… and the entire thing animated, one shot at a time. I’m not sure on how they exactly pulled this off. Each person held three different photos? And maybe they didn’t shoot the held photographs in sequence, but mixed things up instead? Regardless, it’s…


Nothing Matters When We’re Dancing

I’ve been revisiting The Magnetic Fields recently – and specifically their album 69 Love Songs. While I’m not crazy about every single one of these tracks, the ones I do like, I love. They’re the kinds of songs that I can listen to, over and over and over again. I first heard about the band while in grad school, but…


Jolene, by Ray LaMontagne

Been listening to this particular song a lot tonight, as I’m sipping on a drink and going through photos from the day. This is Jolene, by Ray LaMontagne. Related:Shelter, By Ray LaMontagne


Gaka: Japanese Music Video With Actor-Generated Special Effects

Gaka, a 16-piece band from Japan recently shot a music video for their song Tsuchinoko. Created by rakudasan, all the special effects are achieved through the actors, themselves. I’m not so crazy about the music, but the energy and silliness are pretty awesome. I definitely had a few genuine LOLs while watching this. [via BoingBoing] Related: Awesome Music Video Created…


Happy Pi Day (3/14)

Happy Pi Day everybody! March 14th (or 3/14) is officially here, and I’m always amazed to see a large influx of new visitors whenever the day rolls around. I suspect a lot of folks are here to view my pi10k flash experiment, where you can convert the first 10,000 digits of pi into a musical sequence. If you haven’t tried…


Surprised By A Bear Singing “Bears”

I happened to be searching on YouTube for the song Bears, as sung by Lyele Lovett. I know the song through his cover, from the album Step Inside This House (the song was originally written by Steven Fromholz). So I did track down a version of the song, here: But then, in the search results, I found this surprising video:…


Nobody Knows You When You’re Down And Out

Yesterday, I found myself listening a lot to Ukelele player Lil’ Rev. I first heard him when Justin and I visited Alex and Linda in Green Bay and attended Ukelele Night at Kavarna. I liked his singing so much, I snatched up two CD’s right there on the spot. I was stuck on one song in particular: Nobody Knows You…


Lee Marvin and Angie Dickinson Perform Minimalist Hand-Clapping Song

Clapping Music is a minimalist piece by composer Steve Reich, involving two performers who clap. Both performers begin in unison, but one performer gradually shifts their tempo by an eighth note… until the two are once more in unison. If you’d like to hear the original piece with two performers, check out this video. Over lunch, I stumbled across this…


The Weepies: Nobody Knows Me At All

Been listening a lot to The Weepies, ever since I first heard one of their songs, a week or so ago. I’ve liked a lot of songs from their album Take It From Me, but this is one that I’ve been looping recently.


Little Shop of Horrors

Over the weekend, Liz and I ended up watching the musical Little Shop of Horrors. I’m not overly in to musicals, but this is one of the few that I know and really like. As I’ve mentioned before, I was in show choir in high school. I got to participate in one or two musicals (I think I was Man…


Cee Lo Green: Fuck You!

I had heard about the song Fuck You! by Cee Lo Green before now, but here’s an embarassing secret: I hadn’t actually listened to the song until this weekend. During 20×2 Chicago, one of the other presenters was Ricky Carmona, who spoke (and sang) about this song. He was pretty passionate about it, and gave a really energized performance. After…


Florence + the Machine: Kiss With A Fist

I’m probably super late on this train, but I’ve recently been listening a lot to Florence + the Machine. The vocals are incredibly powerful and at times overpowering, but I find myself continuing to listen despite this. It’s weird – I like songs like Dog Days Are Over and Rabbit Heart (but don’t really care for either video). But I…


Tokyo, by The Books

Created by YouTube user shonkeyproductions, this video features a favorite song of mine: Tokyo, by The Books, from their album The Lemon of Pink. Despite a bit of shaky camera work in the middle sections, I think this video captures the song nicely… although the audio is a little on the low side. If you want to hear a better…