Posts Tagged "music video"

Vampire Weekend: Big Blue

The lyrics are… fine. And the song itself is quite short (hence me wanting to introduce a few other songs). But the choice to fixate on this particular song seems more pathological than some of my other choices. Maybe it’s the length, and just how quick it is (under two minutes).


Joe Pug: A Thousand Men

I was at a loss for something to post today, and went looking through my “unpublished” blog posts. Surprisingly, I have about 16 posts that I never quite got around to writing up… and this was one of them.


Alice in Chains: I Stay Away

I got into them when I was very young, high school I want to say. I remember putting my cassette of Facelift in my car, as I drove around Indianapolis. But Jar of Flies has a much more subdued feel to me. I can’t recall if this was made during the acoustic craze of the early 90’s, or just something the group did. But for whatever reason, I always think of Fall when I hear these songs.