Posts Tagged "new wave coffee"

A Trip to the Dentist, in the Age of Coronavirus

I got a call this week from the dentist, reminding me that we had appointments this weekend. We were suddenly struck with a decision: do we go or delay it until later?

If we delayed it until the winter, things would likely be worse out there with Coronavirus. Would we want to chance it then? Liz and I talked about it, and decided now was the better time.


You Are Beautiful: New Wave Coffee

Spotted a You Are Beautiful sticker while getting an early morning coffee last week, over at New Wave. Now that the project’s Kickstarter was fully funded, I’m expecting to see a lot more of these stickers all over.Spotted a You Are Beautiful sticker while getting an early morning coffee last week, over at New Wave. Now that the project’s Kickstarter was fully funded, I’m expecting to see a lot more of these stickers all over.


New Bench, New Wave Coffee

While walking to work this morning, Liz happened to see a group of guys working on a large structure. From a distance, it looked a bit like a platform of some kind. As we got closer, we realized it was a series of benches, curving and connecting with one another. In passing, I stopped and asked one of the guys…


Coffee Is For Closers

Cause we’re adding a little something to this month’s Sales contest. As you all know, first prize is a Cadillac El Dorado. Anybody wanna see second prize?


Meeting Dave the Mime/Magician – New Wave Coffee

As I was waiting, I glanced over a few times… trying not to stare, trying to to be rude. But my curiosity got the better of me. A few times, the guy caught my eye and seemed to smile. The way he was sitting was pretty unusual – out in the open, with no table in front of him. He looked almost regal, as though he were holding court in the coffee shop. Killing time, as it were, until his subjects arrived to pay their respects.


Posting From New Wave Coffee on my iPad

It’s a bit cumbersome, and I tend to have about 20 more typos per minute, buti’m writing this from my new iPad! I’m sitting at New Wave Coffee, sipping on a bottomless mug. Honestly, I don’t know that I can see doing blog posts in this manner very often. The typing is tedious, and mine tends to be rife with…


White Coffee Lids and a Question About Sensation Transference

Normally, the lids are black. In fact, out of all the time I’ve been getting coffee from New Wave… I can’t recall a time when the lids weren’t black. Seeing white lids actually gave me a physical pause, and putting the thing on top of my cup looked a little… well, it looked weird.

Seeing these new lids, I couldn’t help but think about the concept of sensory transference, a brilliant concept coined by marketing researcher Louis Cheskin.


Spilling the (Coffee) Beans

I was in line at New Wave Coffee this AM, and grabbed a pound of coffee beans from a nearby display. As I was checking out the info on the bag of coffee beans, I turned it forward a bit, so I could see better. Apparently, someone had opened up the bag to smell it… because the next thing I…