Posts Tagged "on the way to work"

On the Way to Work

Since moving to Logan Square, I haven’t really taken all that many photos on my morning walks to the train. Going down California, there’s not nearly as much to see (as opposed to walking down North Ave). Well, wait. I just typed that in, and it feels untrue. I think, perhaps, I’m just not looking hard enough, as there’s always…


On the Way to Work

Some mysteries can’t be explained. I wonder what doors these go to. In particular, that fancy looking key up top… does it open just one, or all of the Doors of Perception?


On the Way to Work

This is what it looks like from the outside. This is what it looks like from the inside. Ugh. I can’t imagine doing that. I’m not so good with heights.


On the way to work

Sadly, today I noticed that the small plant/tree that used to be growing up here… has been removed. Whether it was cut down, or whether it was growing in a pot all along and got moved… I don’t know. Weird that I have images of it, from so long ago. Check out June 16, 2005 as well as November 5,…