Posts Tagged "on the way to work"

Lonely Doors

I’ve been going in to work a bit early, the last few days. This morning I happened to look over as I walked by the loading area for Treasure Island (which closed down a while ago).


Water Relief Valve

Spotted this near the end of our block, where it seemed like some excess water was being relieved. I’ve spotted something like this a few times before, and the amount of water coming out always varies – sometimes it’s a steady stream, sometimes it kicks out in a strong burst.


Track Marks

Spotted these marks on the Metra tracks near 55/56/57, and wondered what they were for. My best guess is that they indicate some area for repair, but I’m really not certain.


Do Not Sit

There were a few folks in an open office nearby – probably wondering what that strange guy was doing, standing alone, laughing to himself, and wondering why he was taking a picture of a broken chair. This town is full of weirdos.


Early Morning Roadwork

The sound of road work began pretty early this morning, circa 7AM. I know construction crews get an early start (typically arriving on a site by 6AM or earlier and ending around 3PM). But I guess this means we’re in for a lot of heavy thuds and beeping trucks for the next few weeks.



I know someone was working here, and needed the manhole cover to remain exposed. I like how this didn’t need a sign, and still conveyed the message “I’m going to fix it tomorrow.”


Thinking About Security

After a few steps, it dawned on me – well of course they don’t have handcuffs. These aren’t cops, they’re guarding money. And so they care very little about arresting someone. They’re more concerned with keeping the money (and themselves) safe, and I guess that means shooting the other guy.