April 12, 2018
As we were walking to work, she joked to me that of the various things she had on… the top was the
only thing that she actually purchased, and didn’t make. When I realized the extent to which her ensemble was all hand-made, I insisted on a photo.
April 5, 2018
And hey – a little Google search later, and I found a lot more information, the company that owns the truck, and a video to boot!
April 3, 2018
Spotted this on the way to work yesterday. It was disturbing to see what appeared to be a car accident, 10+ feet from the actual street/intersection and very clearly in an area designed for pedestrians (and bicyclists).
March 2, 2018
Since the parking garage itself is a series of inclines, it makes sense that a door at any point would look a little wonky. But it was just an odd thing to encounter, as I was walking to the elevator.
February 16, 2018
Spotted this on the way to work, yesterday as well. I guess I should have grouped it with the found balloon heart, but this moment deserved a post of its very own.
February 15, 2018
Spotted this balloon heart the day after Valentine’s day, stuck in a tree near our house.
February 13, 2018
Liz and I spotted this, at our Metra stop this morning. We were trying to figure out the direction of travel, and what might have prompted someone to traverse the tracks with all that snow on the ground.
February 7, 2018
It’s nice when the world tries to add in a little symmetry. Though, after watching Stranger Things, it’s hard not to be just a teensy bit worried about the Upside-Down.
February 2, 2018
On the way in to work today, I noticed that the posted elevator inspection form was actually a “Conditional Certificate of Inspection.” I’m sure there’s no real danger here, but seeing the word CONDITIONAL in uppercase (and repeated at least four times) made me a little wary.
January 26, 2018
I walked over near Treasure Island on the way to work this morning, wondering if I’d see any of the water/flooding that my neighbor Betsy had posted about, online (last night, she had posted some
videos of a hydrant that had been intentionally opened). My guess was that this was done as part of the pipe work we
saw the other day.
January 24, 2018
We stopped and asked one of the workers a few questions, and learned that this was a “feeder” pipe, destined for the far suburbs. Smaller water pipes feed the houses in the area, but this guy… apparently transports water out beyond Chicago. And something with the emergency shutoff valve here was broken, or it didn’t work… and it had to be replaced.
January 17, 2018
I mean, I guess it’s possible that someone started it up again, and then disappeared abruptly again. I dunno – how much gas do these things hold? Can something like this run for 12 or 13 hours, just idling?
January 5, 2018
Spotted on the way to work.
December 6, 2017
From the looks of it, this was done by the same hand (looking at how the H and Y are shaped). But it did make me wonder if the inscriptions happened at the same time, or over the course of different days.
November 30, 2017
Spotted this on my way to work, earlier in the week. A few of the panels in the elevator I was in appeared to be missing a screw or two.