Posts Tagged "on the way to work"


I know someone was working here, and needed the manhole cover to remain exposed. I like how this didn’t need a sign, and still conveyed the message “I’m going to fix it tomorrow.”


Thinking About Security

After a few steps, it dawned on me – well of course they don’t have handcuffs. These aren’t cops, they’re guarding money. And so they care very little about arresting someone. They’re more concerned with keeping the money (and themselves) safe, and I guess that means shooting the other guy.


Found Heart

I flipped the heart over, thinking that maybe it was from a dog or cat collar, with either an inscription or some information on the back. I was surprised to find this.


Liz the Maker

As we were walking to work, she joked to me that of the various things she had on… the top was the
only thing that she actually purchased, and didn’t make. When I realized the extent to which her ensemble was all hand-made, I insisted on a photo.


The Divvy Wreck

Spotted this on the way to work yesterday. It was disturbing to see what appeared to be a car accident, 10+ feet from the actual street/intersection and very clearly in an area designed for pedestrians (and bicyclists).


Door, Askew

Since the parking garage itself is a series of inclines, it makes sense that a door at any point would look a little wonky. But it was just an odd thing to encounter, as I was walking to the elevator.


Elevator Certificates of Inspection

On the way in to work today, I noticed that the posted elevator inspection form was actually a “Conditional Certificate of Inspection.” I’m sure there’s no real danger here, but seeing the word CONDITIONAL in uppercase (and repeated at least four times) made me a little wary.