Shades of Blue

Got lost in thought for a few minutes, last week, while waiting for the Metra to arrive. I was looking up, and enjoying the outline of the wires against the sky.
Got lost in thought for a few minutes, last week, while waiting for the Metra to arrive. I was looking up, and enjoying the outline of the wires against the sky.
Spotted this while walking to work. At first I thought the car on the far right was being a jerk, and crept up on the car in the middle.
When reading this, I didn’t even register the whole ‘seat belt’ thing. I took the word “buckle” to mean “succumb/acquiesce.” My immediate thought was “Good lord, what kind of draconian parenting advice is this…”
On the way home, we walked by the Hyde Park Garden Fair – which wasn’t open yet, but was being prepared for opening day.
It was nice being in the city so early. Even though it was a solid three hours earlier than I’m usually around downtown, the city was still full of joggers and pedestrians, mothers with baby strollers, people clutching large cups of coffee.
The thing on the right caught my eye, as I was walking past. The grill on top made me think that fire was involved in some way. The more I looked at it, the less I knew what it was or how it worked. And the more curious I got.
A while back, I had heard about some street work that was happening on our street. There were lots of signs up the days before, peppering much of the area near our house. Around 7:30AM or so, we started to hear the sound of an impact hammer, digging into the street.
Spotted another set of these marks again, on the way in to work this morning. Or rather, Liz spotted these – as I walked by completely oblivious.
I didn’t see any kids around, and given some of the water damage I spotted… my best guess is that this has been sitting for some time. Possibly left here the day before, on someone’s way home.
I spotted this the other day: two metal tracks, right in the middle of the floor. This is from the 56th street station, and I’ve passed it daily for many years now – and never really noticed it.
On my walk to the Metra each morning, I see in the distance a large crane. It’s visible once I get along 55th, but it becomes even more so when I’m on the Metra platform.
Whenever I encounter construction and work like this as I’m heading in to the office, I wish I could just pull up a chair and simply observe. I find it all so darn fascinating.
It’s right around the corner from the old Emmis Interactive office. And in fact, I remembered that this used to be a kind of gated off area. I walked by it countless times, but I guess things have changed over the last 5 years.
In light of yesterday’s commute, it seems even more appropriate to share.
This morning, I happened to be one of the first people off my train. And I also happened to be the first person to get to the very top of the ramp. There… I saw a man on a gurney, surrounded by four or five medics. One medic was pumping the man’s chest.