Posts Tagged "our first home"

A Very Custom Cut

We had an 8×4 piece of plywood, that we wanted to use in this space. We tried a few different approaches (one involved folding a large piece of paper)… but ended up going with multiple pieces of cardboard.


Custom Nailer

Tonight, Liz had a solo evening in the office. She suited up after work, and was up and down the stairs a lot (refining a piece of wood on the chop saw, in the basement).

During her demo of the space in front of the fireplace, she put in a lot of supporting pieces (to bring the area flush with the floor joists). During this time, she realized that there was a gap in the far corner, behind the fireplace.


More Floors

Things got a little challenging, as we’ve been filling up the floor here. See the piece of plywood near the bottom there, with the black X inside a rectangle? That space is 49″ wide. Which is 1″ wider than your standard 8’x4′ plywood board. A little maddening.


A Custom Shame Cut

Today, we added some more drywall along the North window. But Liz also made a pretty custom piece, to fit the gap that we left. A shame gap, if you will.

Happy to report, it fit quite well. At least, well enough – since this whole thing is going to get covered in another 1/4″ layer of drywall.

Now let’s never speak of this again.


Big Blue

It always goes like this: it’s hard for us to work on the house. At the end of a work day, we’re both tired from our jobs… and the last thing we want to do is suit up for a few hours. On the weekends, all we want to do is lounge and relax, and it’s difficult to suit up and spend the day getting dirty.

But once we do – we get into a good rhythm. We get energized, and we get some momentum. And it makes suiting up the next time just a little easier.


Storage Room Shuffle

You would think that there might be some clerical update that could happen, that would just allow us to change things on paper. But you would be WRONG. To get a better monthly rate, we had to sign a new contract, and physically move our stuff, from one unit to another.

I cannot emphasize how dumb this is/was. I get it, to some degree. But the storage unit company seemed determined that I exercise, and haul each and every box to a new unit. And so that’s what we did today.


Office Floor Work

Nothing super glamorous, but still exciting. Today, Liz and I put some time into the front office. With a lot of insulation down in the floor joists, we got to screwing down a first layer of plywood.


Back Office Floor Demo Begins

This took a bit longer than usual. When working in the other areas of the second floor, there was always some ceiling drywall in place to catch all the debris. Below me is our kitchen, and all I really have is just a few plastic sheets, stretched across the floor joists.