February 21, 2020
Working on the East side of the wall involved getting behind the wall (an area that we had filled up, as a kind of temporary storage area). Rather than actually move anything out of the way, I opted to go the lazy route and climbed in, using what little space was available.
February 20, 2020
Our last bit of work tonight involved moving the many sheets of drywall from the fireplace over to this wall, freeing us up to continue work on the rest of the room. It’s been a while since we’ve seen the fireplace (forgot to take a photo), and it’s nice to imagine starting work on the rest of the walls here.
February 17, 2020
With the backer board around the window, we got a few more smaller pieces of 3/8″ drywall up. Not a ton, but a decent amount of small progress for a school night.
February 15, 2020
All told, the track and mechanisms seem to be in good shape. One thing we’ll be trying to do is to see if we can track down a professional outfit that repairs vintage doors. Our pocket doors definitely need some love and help to bring them back to their original state, and it’s likely more than we’re able to do.
February 13, 2020
Not a ton of photos from tonight. Liz and I mostly sized up the dining room (North) wall, trying to determine how “off” the studs were.
February 9, 2020
We woke up early this morning as well, but got a slightly earlier start today than yesterday. Liz and I both wanted to hit it hard earlier in the day, with the hopes that we’d have some time in the afternoon/evening to actually enjoy our weekend some.
February 8, 2020
That is, until we got to the math. We were trying to determine, when starting in the corner, whether we were working with a right angle or not. And whether we needed to cut that initial drywall board to compensate for an acute or obtuse angle.
February 7, 2020
After work last night, Liz and I got insulation in to the north Dining room wall. We picked up some additional insulation on our Home Depot run earlier this week, and that was helpful in our work tonight.
February 1, 2020
Today, Liz and I had dentist appointments in the late morning. We got home around 2:00 PM and decided to spend the rest of the day cleaning up the first floor.
We’ve kept several sheets of plywood and drywall in Bob’s truck, in our driveway. With a lot of our existing drywall actually on the walls, we had a bit more room to haul stuff inside.
January 31, 2020
Liz and I worked a lot tonight on getting the drywall in the living room finished up. While we have a few more areas left, the majority of what we can tackle got finished tonight: two smaller pieces, and one larger piece with a precise cutout for a return vent. At the close of the evening, Liz and I had…
January 28, 2020
I ended up taking the day off of work today, to coordinate transporting the stove we purchased on Saturday back to our house. Given that we weren’t 100% sure we would be the new owners of the stove until after the sale started… a lot of things have happened over the last few days.
January 27, 2020
Given our big purchase over the weekend, we needed to clear some space in the kitchen for the new stove. That meant clearing out a few things, and also taking down the kitchen door to ensure there was enough width for the stove.
January 22, 2020
Cutting out space for an outlet, for a larger piece on the North wall. The area this was getting added to was pretty tricky, in that we had an area in the original drywall that had bowed a lot. I think we accidentally missed a nail, which resulted in a slight protrusion.
January 18, 2020
For each sheet, we’re doing a bit of dry fitting first. But after that, we’re throwing up some Liquid Nails on the wall and affixing the final sheet on together. The process has been a little tricky, as we’re also using a set of mini/foot lifters, to get the sheet up against the ceiling.
January 16, 2020
More drywall work tonight. Some interesting discoveries and approaches, in that we’ve got some walls that aren’t quite lining up… and required some shimming. As we’re adding drywall to one section, we’re having to forecast how it will line up with a future piece – and the area leading to our windows has proven particularly challenging.