Posts Tagged "our first home"

Drywall Planning

Towards the end of the night, we talked about ceiling drywall installation. Bob mentioned working to verify that a corner is a true 90, before proceeding… and needing to adjust the initial piece, if the angles are off.


Ceiling Cleanup

Wasn’t really feeling all that motivated today, but ended up pulling myself out of bed late morning and suiting up. I wanted to get a bit of progress on the first floor, and had in mind to clean up a few ceiling areas downstairs.


Living Room Washers

With much, if not all, of the living room demo completed, we’re closing in on being able to put drywall up on the walls. Before all that though: we’re putting a layer of drywall on the ceiling (ceiling first, then the walls).


Wall Repair

There’s a section of all in our dining room that juts out a bit. And it’s been a problematic area for a while now. Part of the demo I did a few weeks ago to this area involved removing the brick facade, so that we could get in and address the walls themselves.


The Big Slab Pour

After finalizing our prep, it got to be around 11:00 AM when we started the pour. An hour or so into it, guess what: we realized Lowe’s didn’t delivery all 32 bags. They only gave us 25.


Driveway Pour Prep

Did some prep work today with Bob, getting ready for a large slab/pour tomorrow. Frame in place, and we should be ready for a lot of mixing and pouring tomorrow.


Early Morning, Breakfast at Valois, and an Unexpected Meeting

We were talking about politics some time ago, and Bob mentioned to me how a very specific speech left a strong impression on him. It was a speech that Jesse Jackson gave, when he was running for President back in the 80’s. Bob explained to me how profoundly that speech changed his way of thinking. It was a big deal, and really shaped how he then started to look at the world.


Column Pour

This is a photo of the column we were pouring today. Unfortunately, soon after this the bottom gave out on the frame, and the concrete came pouring out of the bottom.


Foundation Wall Work

Bob and I worked a lot this afternoon, clearing out a ton of soil and debris so we could work on repairing and re-enforcing the foundation a bit, near the kitchen. We’re also building out the wall a bit more (and creating a storage area where the trash bins will eventually live).


Driveway Demo

Spent a long day today, working outside on the house. We’re doing some repair work to the foundation, near the kitchen area… and today I needed to bust up the driveway/concrete against that side of the house.


Long Demo Day

Instead of shattering each brick (they’re hollow on the inside), I opted to take them off whole. I used the hammer drill to break off the mortar, and once that was done each piece got pretty loose.


House Day, Talk Night

Here’s me talking about a particular moment from back in 2005. I’ll keep this a secret until the video’s available, but maybe some of you might know what this is about.