July 14, 2018
We had a bit of an audible today, as Liz and I were slated to go out to Katie’s house to help pour some concrete. The weather was looking a little iffy, and by the time we got on the road… we talked with Bob, and determined it would be better to reschedule.
At home, what did we do with that newly free time? We decided to work on the house.
July 10, 2018
After work, Liz and I started to put in some insulation in between the floor joists on the second floor. With a lot of the old/unused gas pipes removed, the space is pretty clear for us to get this insulation down.
July 8, 2018
To help give Bob some room when he works in there (soon), we decided to make clearing the kitchen more of a priority. We had his help today in relocating the AC units, and one of the furnaces down into the basement. We moved the other furnace upstairs, to the office… where it will eventually get installed in its own furnace room.
July 1, 2018
Back home after a relaxing evening/escape in Valparaiso… Liz and I went back to work cleaning up the walls a bit more. Bob was back home, fabbing up some duct work for us… and we were preparing things for their install.
June 30, 2018
Demo day on the first floor! We’re opening up the walls between the dining room and the main hall. It’s exciting in a lot of ways, in that this is our first big bit of demo on this floor!
June 26, 2018
With the office ceiling fully exposed, Bob was able to look things over and assess the state of our turret. In short: it’s not good.
June 25, 2018
After work, Liz and I suited up to continue work on the office ceiling. To be honest, after a full day at the office… the last thing I wanted to do was get all covered in dirty insulation. But we were working off a new schedule, and wanted to stay on track.
June 24, 2018
Today, Liz and I were working upstairs in the office while Bob was in the basement. On the docket: demo the office ceiling.
June 23, 2018
Upstairs, I ended up covering some of the items in the office with tarp. This was a lazier solution, and didn’t involve me having to move anything out. Which was great, because I wasn’t really looking forward to walking all this stuff back downstairs.
June 21, 2018
Bob was over at the house all day yesterday, and when we got home… we was working in the basement. But we found, upstairs, that he had taken out all the old gas lines that were in the floor, running between the master bedroom and the adjoining room.
June 20, 2018
I wasn’t really thinking about this, but apparently Liz was – and had a new mat shipped to a few days ago. I spotted this guy on our doorstep one evening, walking home… and realized we had another bunny.
June 19, 2018
Liz and I sat down with all our cards, and began applying rough estimates as to how long we felt each task would take.
June 15, 2018
Yesterday morning, we walked outside to find someone had taken some bricks from the brick path we installed in the parkway.
June 14, 2018
With a project like this, the dates are going to fluctuate and change. Liz and I have no illusions about that. But our goal is to apply all this down to a calendar that we can reference on any given day, to see if we are on schedule, ahead of schedule, or falling behind. And if we’re falling behind, it gives us some insight into what our options/obstacles are… if we still want to hit our end date.
June 13, 2018
It’s a big list. And I’m absolutely certain we’ve left out at least 2-3 weeks worth of work that we haven’t factored in yet. But our goal is to get a rough timeline of tasks, and to see about putting them in the right order.