Posts Tagged "our first home"

Cutting into the Chimney Bricks in the Basement

It’s hard to see – but just inside each of the cut lines, there’s a small chisel mark. I added these per Bob’s instructions, on bricks that overlapped the cut line. As I understand it, these cuts help introduce a point of weakness prior to the cut line, to lessen the chance of the bricks breaking at a point past the cut line. Not a guarantee, but something to help minimize the chance of that happening.


Basement Bricks

I got to watch Bob start us off, in removing the intial bricks. And I’ve got some good instructions on how to best proceed with the removal. This looks to be another joint project that Liz and I will undertake, which hopefully we can get done in the coming week.


Basement Clearing

The time during (and leading up to) our vacation overseas was really lovely, and a lovely escape. But now that we’re back and resettled again, I think both Liz and I are hoping to get back on a more consistent schedule in terms of house work.


Clearing the Parkway

I never really knew what the term for the patch of ground between the sidewalk and the city street was, but apparently it’s “parkway.” This is an interesting bit of land, in that it technically belongs to the city, but we can gussy it up as we like. In fact, I think it’s somewhat expected that we tend to this area… as it’s “ours” to take care of, even though it belongs to the city.


Searching for Summer Clothes

Out of necessity, Liz and I ended up scouring our moving boxes for our summer clothes. We found some of them set aside in the guest room, but I got lucky and found one of mine in our main office (read: storage).


The Low Spot in the Yard

Waking up this morning, we saw that the heavy, overnight rains ended up leaving a fairly large puddle in the middle of our yard. We’d seen some pooling here after we first started to water the yard… but last night’s rain made things much more pronounced.


Early Watering

It’s super early, and though I’m tired – it’s nice to have something that forces me out of bed. I haven’t been able to resume my habit of getting up to work in the early hours, so maybe the new watering routine will shift my schedule up some. There’s a bit of rain in the forecast, but I expect to be doing this early rising for the next two weeks at least.