Mudding and Taping the Furnace Room
It’s a Sunday, and Liz suited up to work on the mudding and taping of the furnace room. It’s a small space, and not really something more than one person can work on at a time.
It’s a Sunday, and Liz suited up to work on the mudding and taping of the furnace room. It’s a small space, and not really something more than one person can work on at a time.
Back at the house, we focused on getting some more drywall up in the furnace room. Not sure if I mentioned, but the stuff we’re putting up is fire board – similar to normal drywall, but just a little denser (and heavier).
We had an additional full sheet downstairs, but luckily didn’t have to go retrieve it. We were just barely able to use our remaining scraps to get the ceiling in.
We started to notice small drips of water, under the sink, over the few weeks. And then things got a bit more, and a bit more… to the point where we realized we needed a new faucet.
Up until now, we’ve had two different access points to this part of the house. With this furnace room now officially drywalled up… we only have one way in/out to the office area. I was describing this as us “going the long way around” from here on out.
An old light, where the electrical had been disconnected long ago. Of note: that middle pipe is a gas line, a throwback to some earlier time when this light was likely powered by gas.
We, unfortunately, have some noisy neighbors that have moved in above us. This photo shows two, but I actually saw three squirrels (and possibly a fourth) moments before.
Late in the evening, Liz was finishing out the day power washing some of the planters that sit at the base of our front steps.
I can’t help myself: every time I break out the pressure washer, it feels to me like I’m putting together a sniper rifle. And soon after, anytime I see it being used… I hear the “pew pew” sounds in my head. I’m a five year old.
This weekend, Liz and I have been revisiting the trim we want to order. We’ve gone through this process a few times, and have finally landed on a vendor… but still need to do some work on figuring out just how much material we need.
With more duct work and electrical and piping now in the basement, we can no longer easily just insert a full-length board across the basement.
Luckily for us, Bob’s done this sort of thing before. And cut a long board into two notched pieces, which we would then “lock” into place with a tapered peg.
A newer term I somehow didn’t know until today: acorn nut. In the instructions, it told me to use a certain bolt and to attach the “acorn nut.” I eventually figured it out.
With more paint stripper from yesterday’s trip to the suburbs, Liz continued on her work today with the second pocket door. Here, she’s carefully removing trim pieces (which will get cleaned and reinstalled later).
We moved the second pocket door down to the basement recently. We have a lot of doors stored down here already, but with our recent basement reorg… we’ve got a lot more room to work with.
Basement reorg done! The masonite is going to stay, because Liz needs some floor protection for when she’s stripping/refinishing wood. And also for any impromptu breakdancing competitions that might happen.
Which tool do you think was the most useful, today?
We’ve had a few days to decompress and just rest/relax/loaf. And today, we decided to suit up and put a little time into some house work. The basement has been super neglected for a long time, and one of Liz’s goals for our holiday break was to do some serious reorganization.