Posts Tagged "our first home"

A Surprise Below Our Feet

The tongue and groove layer is all southern yellow pine, according to Bob. And you should have seen the way his eyes lit up, when he talked about this. Apparently, it’s completely un-treated southern yellow pine. Which would make it ideal material for other elements of the house (rosettes, trim) or even other projects entirely.


A Temporary Workspace

So far, I’ve had my computer set up in the back bedroom – and it’s been nice to have a place to go that isn’t either the bed or the dining room table. For Liz though, she hasn’t had her own space until now.


A New Old Bird Bath

As we were discussing things we could do with the yard (probably next year), we decided to take an old bird bath and place it back in the yard. There’s a small bit of cement in the middle of the yard, where it possibly may have resided before we moved in.


Slow Morning, Long Day

From time to time, I’d see the holes in the fingers and became a little proud at their wear. I was reminded of an old fairy-tale: East of the Sun, West of the Moon. In the story, the main character goes in search of a prince in a far away land, somewhere “east of the sun, west of the moon.” In order to get there, one of the things she must do is to wear out seven pairs of iron shoes.


Backyard Tree Removal: Before and After Photos

One in particular was this massive guy, protruding from our yard and hovering well over in the neighbor’s yard. It’s hard to really do justice to the scale of the thing, but on first seeing it… Liz and I were both concerned regarding the potential damage it might do to the neighbor’s house (and ours).


Sunday Work Day

On Sunday, Bob came by to set up two new floor joists. The prior joists had been headered multiple times, and not really doing much in terms of support. So he ended up removing the old boards, and replacing them.


First Family Dinner

Julie was kind enough to bring over some home made food for us, which we re-heated in our microwave for dinner. She’d been working on prepping food for us the past day or so, and it was absolutely delicious.


First Home, First Day

After our first night at the house (it took us forever to set up our bed)… Liz and I went out to run a few errands. After a stop at Target for some basics, we also got ourselves a brand new “Welcome” mat.


Bagster, Round 2

I have to say – trying to stuff enough debris and trash in this guy was like a horrible, horrible game of Tetris. I kept trying to minimize gaps wherever I could, since any free space was just emptiness I was paying for. I got a pretty good amount this time around (though it did take me until around 8PM to fully finish loading it up).