November 17, 2013
I cannot emphasize how dirty and disgusting the attic was. Liz and Julie braved the upstairs using Tyvek suits and masks, but from what they reported – the floor was littered with mouse pee and poop. There was a ton of junk up in the attic, and the mice/squirrels just had a field day with it all.
November 15, 2013
Spent Friday night with Liz, roaming the aisles of Home Depot. As many have told us, I’m expecting this to become our new favorite store. Although, given that we’re spending around $100 per trip… supplies really add up! We’re trying to be conscious of what all we purchase, as it seems like 10 small trips could easily see us spending $1,000. It’s crazy how quickly everything adds up.
November 13, 2013
While a nice homage to Thomas Edison, I found this display really creepy. Partly, the display celebrated his inventions… but it also felt like they were using Edison to shill for the products here in the building. I walked up to look at some of the items in closer detail, and had this unnerving feeling that Edison would turn to me, smile, and ask if I needed any help finding the “perfect blender.”
November 9, 2013
I arrived at the house a little after 7AM, and the next thing I knew… it was close to 1PM. I don’t know how, but we had spent around 6 hours just talking, walking room to room, making notes and discussing various options. We kind of visually deconstructed several aspects of the house, and I started to see more things I hadn’t noticed before – finding myself able to spot things that were original to the house, to things that were added at a later time.
November 3, 2013
Back at our place, we installed some new locks on the doors (something new to both me and Liz since we’ve always been homeowners). And now our place is even more officially ours. Funny to think of it, but these locks are the first thing we’ve done to the place – the first of many changes to come.
October 30, 2013
It’s official! After a little over 90 minutes of sitting at a table with two layers and signing papers… Liz and I are new homeowners! Officially, legally, for-real homeowners.
October 23, 2013
So this is the big news: Liz and I have bought a house, and we’re going to be moving to Hyde Park! We’ve kept things pretty quiet up until now, but we are in the final, final stages – we close on October 30th, in a week’s time.
June 14, 2013
Suffice it to say, there have been a lot of ups and downs – and very much so the last few days. A small clerical error (for want of a better word) had me and Liz frantically revisiting our budgets within a quick 24 hour period. All of that, only to learn a day later that a simple misunderstanding had us worried for naught.
June 2, 2013
Today, Liz and I decided to trek out to Hyde Park. Most of the types of places we’ve been checking out have been single family homes or multi-units, as condos were initially off our list. But in our planned trip, we happened to find a few condos that had open houses… so we decided to check out a few, during our walk around the area.
April 19, 2013
On Friday, after work, we met up with Seth at Longman & Eagle. We had exchanged a few emails, back and forth, earlier in the work week, but today was the first time we met in person.
Seth helps people find houses. And well… Liz and I have been talking lately, and we’re looking to buy a place.