Posts Tagged "pecha kucha"

Official Video from Pecha Kucha Chicago #9, Repetition and Variation

I recently got an email from local Pecha Kucha Chicago organizer Thorsten Bösch, along with a freshly made video of my Pecha Kucha presentation. I’ve posted up the video, but fair warning: it’s a bit of a monster at 119MB. It was enjoyable to look over this event again, and to remember the process leading up to the actual presentation….


Pecha Kucha Presentations: Talks From Around the World

Several weeks back, I learned about a new addition to the Pecha Kucha site, where they started to post up full presentations from around the world – including both slides and audio. Peter Exeley, one of the Chicago PK organizers, contacted me about submitting my slides and audio to the site. So I’m pretty stoked about having my presentation potentially…