Posts Tagged "photography"

Nothing Found

When I tried to use the camera itself, something was off – as it wasn’t quite working properly. I got it to beep a few times, but mostly it seemed to tell me there was nothing on any of the memory cards.


A Love Letter to Tokyo’s Buildings Using Animated GIFs

“Spending two whole days there, we finally learned the dread and discomfort of living in a capsule hotel. It was wonderful, apart from the occasional shakeup and earthquake panic you’d feel when your neighbour decides to move his capsule four floors up, at 5 AM. He was courteous enough to leave a box of chocolate with an apology to his neighbouring capsules.”


Vintage Chicago Crime

A very interesting photo gallery of notorious Chicago criminals and crime scenes, courtesy of the Chicago Tribune. Pictured above is John Dillinger sitting in a Crown Point, Indiana courtroom in February of 1934. A few weeks later, on March 3rd, he would escape jail using a fake gun.


Bob Mazzer: Photos of the London Underground in the 1980’s

“For a while in the eighties, I lived with my father in Manor House and worked as a projectionist at a porn cinema in Kings Cross. It was called The Office Cinema, so guys could call their wives and say, ‘I’m still at the office,'” recalled Bob affectionately. “Every day, I travelled to Kings Cross and back. Coming home late at night, it was like a party and I felt the tube was mine and I was there to take pictures.”


Finding Vivian Maier – Trailer

Living across the street from an auction house, John Maloof ended up purchasing a box full of negatives for $380. From there, he discovered the work of Vivian Maier and began trying to unravel who she was – her history, and her passion for photography.