January 29, 2023
Chronophoto is an incredibly fun only game, where you’re presented with a photo… and you have to guess what year it was taken.
The rules are simple enough, but the fun part is examining details to try to hone in on a specific decade/year.
September 18, 2017
When I tried to use the camera itself, something was off – as it wasn’t quite working properly. I got it to beep a few times, but mostly it seemed to tell me there was nothing on any of the memory cards.
October 28, 2016
What’s crazy to me is that I just happened across this audio now, in 2016. But it was originally recorded two years ago in 2014. The poem itself was written long before that – I want to say around 1998 or 1999.
And even before that, the poem was inspired by a photograph taken by my friend Dipti while covering the Ohio State Fair, in Columbus, OH.
October 2, 2016
“Each image from the Microsculpture project is created from around 8000 individual photographs […] From start to finish, a final photograph will take around 3 weeks to shoot, process and retouch.”
June 30, 2016
I found an app via Product Hunt a few weeks ago, called Malevich. Named after Kazimir Malevich (the app’s icon is a black square), the app uses neural networks by combining your photos with the artwork of famous artists.
January 11, 2016
He loves soft ice cream very much.
He wants to become a soft ice cream.
His name is Kiyoshimachine.
December 11, 2015
“Spending two whole days there, we finally learned the dread and discomfort of living in a capsule hotel. It was wonderful, apart from the occasional shakeup and earthquake panic you’d feel when your neighbour decides to move his capsule four floors up, at 5 AM. He was courteous enough to leave a box of chocolate with an apology to his neighbouring capsules.”
October 26, 2015
on Slattery was one of the amazing presenters at last week’s 20×2 Chicago event. While I was looking over the links to all the speakers recently, I stumbled across Ron Slattery’s website, bighappyfunhouse.com.
April 6, 2015
Of the bunch, I have to say I preferred the Flickr extension the most. I’ve had it set up now for a few days, and it just continues to delight me at several turns. While there seem to be a limited number of photos per day (I found that I was seeing some repeats by the end of the first day), the images seem to “refresh” so that a newer set is shown the following day.
February 25, 2015
As Roth told Creem at the time, “we put the poster in because it upsets people. It’s disturbing. It’s one of those beautiful things where there’s actually nothing going on in the picture, and you’re forced to use your filthy little imagination.”
November 21, 2013
A very interesting photo gallery of notorious Chicago criminals and crime scenes, courtesy of the Chicago Tribune. Pictured above is John Dillinger sitting in a Crown Point, Indiana courtroom in February of 1934. A few weeks later, on March 3rd, he would escape jail using a fake gun.
July 20, 2013
“For a while in the eighties, I lived with my father in Manor House and worked as a projectionist at a porn cinema in Kings Cross. It was called The Office Cinema, so guys could call their wives and say, ‘I’m still at the office,'” recalled Bob affectionately. “Every day, I travelled to Kings Cross and back. Coming home late at night, it was like a party and I felt the tube was mine and I was there to take pictures.”
March 13, 2013
It’s a really small set of images, but Bence Bakonyi’s Transform is just lovely.
February 21, 2013
Living across the street from an auction house, John Maloof ended up purchasing a box full of negatives for $380. From there, he discovered the work of Vivian Maier and began trying to unravel who she was – her history, and her passion for photography.
February 2, 2013
On Friday, I met up with Chris and Sandra post-work, in Wicker Park. All of us were gathering beforehand at a nearby bar, prior to heading to Emporium Gallery to check out Brian’s book release (and the first night of his photography exhibit).