May 26, 2015
Excited to be starting a (free) online course titled: M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers. The registration period looks to still be open, and I think you have until next Tuesday to sign up (though you’ll probably want to register before Friday, if you want enough time to actually complete the first week’s coursework).
July 30, 2014
There are numerous ways to learn things online, and one of the more pleasurable methods I’ve come across is the method employed by Code School. Combining well-paced videos with interactive challenges, I’ve found this approach to be really helpful for how I go about learning.
February 25, 2014
There’s so much packed into this thing, it’s absolutely mind-boggling: natural language, symbolic references, visualizations built-in. It’s a long video, but very worthwhile watching.
January 19, 2011
Prior to the holidays, Justin and I signed up to take an online Intro course to Python. Offered through O’Reilly, we’ve been at it for about two weeks now, tackling a few lessons each week. The course we’re in now is an introduction to the language, and is one of four courses in total. If you complete all four, you…