Posts Tagged "public speaking"

20×2 Chicago: Can You Explain?

I can’t tell you how much this epitomizes the 20×2 Chicago event. Really fun, really surprising, and you never know what to expect. One minute folks are watching a baking tutorial with flour being mixed on stage… and the next, everyone’s tasting some great banana bread with their beers.


Upcoming Event: 20×2 Chicago – Do You Remember?

I’ve posted a lot about this event, but as a recap: twenty different Chicago creatives are invited all answer the same question. You can answer the prompt however you like (tell a story, sing a song, do an interpretive dance routine). The only rule: answer the question in two minutes or less.


House Day, Talk Night

Here’s me talking about a particular moment from back in 2005. I’ll keep this a secret until the video’s available, but maybe some of you might know what this is about.


Felix Jung, 20×2 Chicago: What Did We Miss?

Everyone who participated got to answer the question however they saw fit, but had to follow one rule: answer in two minutes or less. I had a blast presenting, and really enjoyed all the varied answers. Below, I’m including video of my talk (along with a few favorites).


This Friday at 20×2 Chicago: Where Do We Start?

Come join me and 19 other creatives on Friday, for the next installment of 20×2 Chicago! All 20 of us are given the exact same question – this time, the prompt is “Where Do We Start?”

We can choose to answer this question in any way that we want (slideshow, music, video, interpretive dance). The only rule: we have to answer in 2 minutes or less.


I Want to Talk in Front of Strangers

I think it’s a funny thing, me wanting to do this sort of thing. By all measurements, I’m a huge HUGE introvert. I’d rather be at home alone, pecking away at my keyboard, than out at a bar around people. But for whatever reason, I really like the idea of getting up on a stage, and talking to a large group of strangers.