Saturday Cleaning Day, Part 2
Saturday was another big cleaning day for us. Originally, the plan was to tackle the whole first floor last weekend, but we ended up only getting though the kitchen. Today: the remainder of the first floor. Mostly.
Saturday was another big cleaning day for us. Originally, the plan was to tackle the whole first floor last weekend, but we ended up only getting though the kitchen. Today: the remainder of the first floor. Mostly.
A few weeks back, after a routine checkup with the vet… we learned that Quincy is technically blind. We knew his vision wasn’t so hot (I remember a few instances where he ran full-speed into the side of a gate at our previous place). But hearing this news really brought home how old the guy is.
On Friday afternoon, I had a half day off work and took the buns in for a vet visit. A few weeks ago, Phineas and Quincy developed some gas/stasis issues… and as a result, both were put on some additional medications.
Last night, after dinner, Liz decided to let the rabbits out of their pen area so they could roam around a bit more. Our house is still pretty messy, and there are lots of areas where we’re trying to keep the buns away from… but we were able to cordon off the main room and the stairs, allowing them to explore just a bit.
Tonight, after many, many months away… I’m happy to say that Phineas and Quincy are back home with us again. We were concerned that the state of construction at the house would be too much for their systems (lots of dust and particles in the air), so we kept them away while the bulk of the demo work has been going on.
Since the rabbits came back from their vet visit last week, they’re on a few more medications (for a brief while). Though the mornings aren’t so bad, the evenings end up being an involved process where we have several different meds to line up for each bun.
Not an inexpensive visit, unfortunately. Phineas had some mucous buildup that was sent off to get tested, and Quincy had some buildup of gas in his secum. So they both had some extra medication to take, for a brief 2 week period. But all in all, good reports across the board. Quincy, despite his age, is looking good and keeping up with the ever-energetic Phineas.
We’re happy to announce our newest family member: Phineas. We met him when we were at Red Door Animal Shelter, on the lookout for a new friend for Quincy. When we met Phineas (originally called “Cowboy”), Liz and I both fell for him right away – he was curious, inquisitive, and not shy at all about hopping in your lap for some pets/attention.
On Wednesday evening, Liz and I headed back to Red Door, this time with Quincy along with us. We got word that despite his E Cuniculi, Quincy was given the ok to visit with both the EC and non-EC bunnies – which meant things worked out in every possible way.
A few days ago, Liz and I headed over to Red Door Animal Shelter to visit a few of their rabbits. It’s been many weeks since Baxter passed away, and it wasn’t until very recently that Liz felt like she was ready to think about adopting another rabbit.
L to R it’s Quincy and Baxter, taking a late afternoon snooze in the Sunroom. This is pretty much how I love to spend a weekend afternoon: relaxing, and dozing off… under a chair.
Two days ago, we got a little concerned about Baxter. The night before, she was refusing to take her medication and then the following morning… she lost all interest in food, completely. Normally, she comes bounding over when I show up with breakfast, but that morning she remained on the second floor of the bunny cottage (where she usually goes, if she’s not feeling well).
Since this was pretty much the most anti-climatic NYE party ever, I thought it would be funny to take a self-portrait of ourselves. For much of the night, Liz just focused on her knitting. And for me, if I wasn’t watching a movie… I was probably playing Triple Town on my phone. Again.
We spent Thanksgiving in Frankfort with Julie and Bob, and since we were there for a few days… we ended up bringing Baxter and Quincy along. There was a warm room in the basement where Julie has her plants, and so that ended up being the perfect spot for them. But before we transferred them inside, it was warm enough that we decided to give them a bit of time outside, in the yard.
Over the weekend, we picked up a stalk of brussles sprouts at the Logan Square Farmers Market. It’s one of our favorite veggies, and sometimes seeing them on the stalk just makes it hard to resist.