August 27, 2022
To me: Dig Dug is a Victorian era grandfather. Who got hit with a shrinking ray, and also got taken back in time to his 5 year old body. But he retained all his facial hair. This is all I could think of, every time I looked at him.
The only thing this guy is missing is a tiny, checkered vest. And maybe a monocle.
August 24, 2022
While Liz and I have had a lot of experience bonding bunnies over the years, we were nervous about tonight. With Daisy’s failing eyesight, we weren’t sure how she would respond to a new environment (and the introduction of a new bunny).
August 21, 2022
Over the weekend, Liz and I had an appointment scheduled at Red Door to visit with their bunnies. It’s a shelter we’ve been to oftentimes in the past (where we found both Quincy [originally Marciano] and Phineas [originally Cowboy]).
January 16, 2016
Our process in the past has always been two-fold: we would go first, and scout out potential candidates. We wanted to make a list of rabbits that we liked ourselves, and seemed to get along with. After that, we’d bring our rabbit for an initial meeting, and see how the two got along.
August 23, 2013
On Wednesday evening, Liz and I headed back to Red Door, this time with Quincy along with us. We got word that despite his E Cuniculi, Quincy was given the ok to visit with both the EC and non-EC bunnies – which meant things worked out in every possible way.
August 17, 2013
We’re heading back to the Red Door on Wednesday evening, to hopefully introduce Quincy to some other rabbits. We’re excited to have him meet Cowboy, and to see how they get along… and we’re looking forward to hearing how Dr. Horton feels, regarding Quincy’s ability to safely meet some of the other non-EC bunnies.
August 15, 2013
A few days ago, Liz and I headed over to Red Door Animal Shelter to visit a few of their rabbits. It’s been many weeks since Baxter passed away, and it wasn’t until very recently that Liz felt like she was ready to think about adopting another rabbit.
November 27, 2009
Since our initial visit to the Red Door Animal Shelter (where Baxter underwent a bit of bunny rabbit speed dating), we’ve been back at least once. A few days ago, we went back in for our third meeting, to see if Baxter would get along with any of the other male rabbits. About two weeks ago, there was a potential…
November 6, 2009
For a really long time now, Liz and I have talked about getting another rabbit. Baxter has been on her own for quite a long time, and we felt that getting her a companion would be a good thing. I’m sure this thought was spurred on by us meeting Liz Rench (aka the Rabbit Sitter), and seeing some of her…