Posts Tagged "rob"

Justin’s Late-Night Birthday Party

The apartment is located right on Milwaukee, right near where Myopic is located. I remember saying that this apartment is the kind of place I would have loved to have had, when I first moved here 16 years ago… if I had only gotten my shit together.


Sketches, Tentative Plans

Met up with Rob over the weekend, to kick around an idea I’ve had for a while. We went through a pot of coffee as we chatted, and what felt to me like 30 minutes ended up actually being more like 2.5 hours. Thinking about collaborating, and getting some prints made. Don’t have details to offer beyond that (mostly because…


Rob Funderburk, Third Coast Short Docs Challenge: Book Odds

After work on Friday, Liz and I headed over to the Chicago Urban Art Society, and attended Book Odds – a collaboration between Third Coast and The Books. Contributors to the short docs had to work within set paramters: 3 minutes in length, and each piece had to include 2 of 8 samples provided by The Books. There were a…


Rob Funderburk + Third Coast: Book Docs

On Friday, October 1st, my friend Rob Funderburk will be at the 2010 Third Coast ShortDocs Challenge. He’ll be doing some “large scale doodling” during the event, which should be really cool to see. A little bit about this year’s challenge, entitled Book Odds: Produce a short audio story (up to three minutes) inspired by (and named after) song titles…


Rookery Building, Hand Delivered

Last month, I posted about Rob’s Rookery Building print and how he was selling them via his online store. Liz and I ordered one up, and we had the fine experience of Rob hand delivering the print over to our apartment. We spent some time talking about his process, and talked a lot about the various details in the piece….


Alex, Linda and Johanna Visit

Alex and Linda are in town this evening, stopping in Chicago en route to a wedding in Bloomington. Justin and Dave are also travelling to Bloomington, and tonight’s stopover allowed many of us to meet Johanna for the very first time. After work, I made my way over to the Chicago Diner, a vegetarian diner on Halsted that’s not too…


Birthday Party – House of Blues Hotel

After an all-too-brief nap, Abby wakes me up and we head out for a bite to eat. On the way home, we stop off tobuy a crapton of booze for the party, and begin the process of loading up for the hotel. On the way out, I spotted the local ice cream truck, something that’s become theharbinger of Spring for…